Play it down again Sam – Tales of the Courier
All hell breaks loose. 1courier slams the brakes. The ride immediately breaks free and slides off the road. Not good. He holds tight to the wheel, and steers through the roadside dirt and debris. This is the badlands. Best to keep moving, no matter what. Especially when there is an obvious trap. The ride rattles, and then momentarily goes airborne, when he hits a small sand dune.
There is a cacophony of sound, as he blazes around the vehicles blocking the road. He grins at them as he pulls hard on the wheel. The ride slides again and very nearly flips. However, he holds the wheel firm, and the machine bears left and bounces back onto the road. Well beyond the roadblock trap.
It figures, he thinks, as he floors the accelerator pedal. Behind him, the vehicles in the roadblock, begin to chase. Since he’s in the badlands, he’s not surprised. There’s a reason they’re called the badlands. He checks the rear view and is pleased to see they are not gaining ground.
Play it Down Again Sam
It’s the cargo package. The thought seems to materialize from thin air. He checks the rear seat, to make sure it’s still there. It is. It’s wrapped and covered so he hasn’t a clue what it might be. And he doesn’t care. Couriers deliver packages, they don’t investigate them.

With this in mind, he is intent on completing this delivery. He checks the rear view again. The roadblock crew is still following. Furthermore, they appear to be gaining. This could end up being a close one. Therefore, he decides to get a little help. The m-com link is ready so he activates the navigation screen. He isn’t sure what he’s looking for, but he knows it will make sense, when he sees it.
As he studies the map the rear glass fractures. He only just sees it, when it implodes, and fills the backseat with glass debris. Therefore he pulls the wheel hard to the left, and floors the accelerator. One more like that, and he would lose the front glass too.
Tales of the Courier
The roadblock crew has closed most of the distance now. However, he’s found what he needs. The ride is a fast machine, and it is able to adapt to any terrain. So it is with some expertise that he leaves the road again. The dirt and debris alongside the road is difficult to navigate but it won’t be for long.
The other vehicles have no nerve to follow. Furthermore they are content to travel parallel to him on the road. He grins. They were nothing if not predictable. Play it down again Sam. With this in mind, he carefully scans the side of the road, as he struggles to hold the wheel. Within seconds he sees the side road and quickly turns the wheel. The ride barrels through the thick underbrush alongside the road.
A few seconds more and he is now on a little known dirt road. Furthermore it runs perpendicular to the main highway. Now he is rapidly moving away from the roadblock crew. Five minutes later and he arrives at the tunnel entrance, and without hesitation, drives straight in. A quarter mile into the tunnel he stops the ride. The darkness of the tunnel is absolute. 1courier keys off the motor, and sets the brake. The waiting game has begun.
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Play it down again
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