OBD-ll Recommendation and Light’s Out
Lights out and that’s a good thing. If it’s the check engine light. That particular light is a spoiler and can lead to unexpected expenses, and even a tow in some cases.
Once upon a time, through experience, trial and error, it was possible to diagnose engine troubles without the assistance of technology. Just elbow grease, and also what was called, “the process of elimination technique”.
Start small and hope for the best on that one. Sometimes it went great, other times it went deep into the pockets, and led back to the same problem. Been there, done that, and bought the t-shirt.
That was before the computer changed things dramatically.
Most all vehicles have an OBD-ll port. Think of it as a window into the internal workings of the vehicle.
The port is usually under the dash somewhere moderately accessible. Exact location is in the owner’s manual, or can be found with a google search.
An OBD-ll code reader is needed to read the codes that are available through the OBD-ll port. A code reader can be an expensive investment, and can be complicated to use. Especially when unfamiliar with auto mechanics. But it is an invaluable tool for reading the codes that cause the check engine light to come on.
This is helpful in getting the correct diagnosis, and avoiding unnecessary repairs. Which brings us to the recommendation part of this article.
I personally use a FIXD code reader, to help with diagnosing and repairing check engine light issues. This isn’t an ad, and theanonymouscourier is receiving no money for this shout out. It is a good product that works, and it’s basic features are always free.
I’ve included a video in the vlog that gives a good picture of my code reader. The FIXD website is in the link proceeding these words, and speaks for itself.
It connects through an app on a smartphone, is very easy to use for reading codes, and has very helpful advanced features with a subscription. Check it out, it really speaks for itself and does work. I used mine yesterday.