Making the bank for better odds than breaking even
Whether it’s delivery with a merchant, or delivery as a solo courier, making money is the goal. It is the driving force that helps keep the wheels turning. Ideally it’s also the force that pays the bills. Of course there is a dark side to every force. Or at least there is in the movies. Similarly there can sometimes be a dark side to the tipping force.
With this in mind, a courier needs diligence and follow through, to balance the force. Especially the dark side of the tipping force. To be clear, the concept of a dark side, to a tipping force, is a personal opinion. Every experienced courier has a name for a difficult earnings night. And there are times when it feels as though every delivery is a struggle against some monumental force.
Furthermore, after the struggle, there’s no tip. This is a tough situation and several of these instances back to back, can end a courier’s shift, early. This is more true for the solo courier, than a crew courier. Crew couriers are still making hourly pay. Therefore, a bad stretch of no tips, is easier to absorb.
Making the Bank
So what does it mean to make the bank? Also is it legal? The answer on both counts is yes. The concept of making the bank is legal. And yes, making the bank does mean something. For the courier. The idea of making the bank originates from the old days of delivery. In fact, some places still practice giving out a bank to the courier.

To further clarify, crew couriers often handle cash deliveries. This means there will likely be the need to make change at least once in a delivery shift. At the end of the delivery shift, the courier returns the bank to the merchant. In almost every case the courier makes tips and hourly pay, and gets a small gas reimbursement fee. These earnings often exceed the total amount of the bank the courier receives.
When this happens, the bank is essentially made by the courier. In other words, the bank is absorbed as a part of the courier’s earnings. In courier terms, the bank is made. Now to purchase emergency fuel.
Better Odds Than Breaking Even
This is why making the bank as quickly as possible is a worthy goal. It means covering the expenses at the beginning of the shift. Everything from then on, is mostly a bonus. This leads to better odds than just breaking even.
In fact, early earnings, are an effective strategy. For the solo courier this can happen with accepting well read offers at the queue. Then a healthy dose of hustle. It all starts with making the bank for better odds than breaking even. Stay safe out there.
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