How to best mitigate the missing delivery
The missing delivery is real. It may be missing but that is not a reason to think it any less real. In fact, it is real enough to hurt the stats. Yet the courier will not be delivering it. Because it’s missing.
This is one scenario that happens often. Additionally, it is a solo courier problem. Particularly in a rush window. Yes. It begins when cargo that has already been picked up, is not marked in the app’s system as, picked up.
How to best mitigate the missing delivery
With this in mind, the courier is waiting for cargo, that has already left. Ordinarily the queue would remove the order. However, the snafu isn’t always detectable right away. When it happens, the courier has a delivery to make, and no cargo to deliver.
Furthermore, it is time consuming to pick up an offer that has already been delivered by a previous courier. In fact, it’s a little confusing. Once upon a time it took a few minutes to be sure there was a snafu. Once confirmed, getting back on track, was and still is, the goal.
This is the concept of how to best mitigate the missing delivery. There are a few ways to complete the missing delivery. It can be dropped. Although this means the courier will take a ding in the ratings. However, it is the fastest way to get out of the missing delivery.
Additionally the courier can use the automated reasons in the app. However, the automated reasons are very broad, and do not always cover what specifically is wrong with the delivery. With this in mind there is still some convenience in the experience. When the reason fits the ones given.
Both of these techniques will get the delivery offer removed from the courier. However the courier will still see a ding in the stats. Especially the completion rating. Because the delivery will be marked incomplete.
Therefore removing the delivery from the courier’s queue is important. Preferably, without it impacting the courier’s stats. The quickest way to get this done, is by messaging a live agent. Furthermore, start with one of the automated reasons for removing the delivery.
The Missing delivery
Then type, live agent. This toggles the request for the live agent. Once the agent and the courier connect, the situation can be explained. The agent will then contact the merchant. And confirm the missing delivery. Then the clearing of the courier’s queue happens.
With this in mind it is definitely a better idea to contact app support. Not only does the courier avoid the ding in the ratings but also has something to show for time spent. Stay safe out there.
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