High mileage delivery and the guaranteed tip
It is a given that a courier will drive many miles. Time behind the wheel is the greater part of delivery. The miles unfold and the time passes. Sometimes feeling lost in the forward motion is easy. This is one side effect of a high mileage delivery. If the courier glances toward the fuel gauge, another side effect of the high mileage delivery, reveals itself.
With this in mind, it is important to consider the numbers, when accepting a high mileage delivery offer. This applies to the solo courier accepting offers from the delivery queue. High paying, or high tip offers, are rare. Usually the higher they pay, the further they are away. Also the likelihood of something unusual associated with the offer exists. For example, the drop-off is on the top of a mountain.
High Mileage Delivery
Similarly, the delivery app combines it with a shorter, low paying offer. It is important to scan the offer carefully. There are only a few seconds to decide. However, there are only a few details the courier needs. Distance traveled, general area of the drop-off, and the guaranteed tip. Or the payout.
Broken down into the individual parts, the distance traveled should be the most important part to consider. Additionally, comparing it with the payout matters as well. In the link above, there is a previous article, on this site, detailing the formula for best results.
After consideration of the details, the courier is able to make an informed decision. To accept, or decline, the offer. Another detail to consider, will be the return mileage. This is the sticky part. Although the reason is simple. The return mileage is the distance back to the courier’s starting zone. When this is considered with the trip mileage, the result can be a surprise. And not a pleasant one.
The Guaranteed Tip
This matters more if the courier plans the return trip. Some couriers prefer to stay in a chosen zone. Furthermore, getting a delivery back to a starting zone is a bonus. Therefore, paying close attention to the offer details in the beginning, is a best practice. This is also true for the payout. This detail matters as well.
If the payout aligns with the basic formula, so much the better. There are many details about the guaranteed tip. Some good. Some not so much. With this in mind, they will be addressed in the next article. The queue bluffs, will also be detailed in the upcoming article. Until then, stay safe out there.
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