Yo driver! Welcome back! Hope you got plenty of good runs today, too! Been getting down with the skeleton crew, first the pit crew, (me) on the wheels/ride. Season’s changing, and that’s tough on rides. Especially a driver’s ride, with well over a thousand miles a week, my pit crew’s maintenance isn’t optional. Next mission, getting with the website design team (also me) about implementing ideas in this site. After road time, of course. Cause I like to drive.
All that crew work, got me thinking about the differences between crew driving and solo driving. Furthermore, the biggest one being the home base element. There’s always a time just before the fun begins (rush) that the crew is all at home base, at the same time. It’s an excellent time to share stories and helpful information, for example “Winding road has a tree down, make a detour and stay safe”, that sort of thing. The effect this get together has on an evening rush, is positive, to say the least.
Getting Down
If this were a kind of home base, and we were hanging out before the rush, driver, I might say something like this: ‘hey, it’s not possible to switch between orders in the Uber app, if your in a stack, it’s a one way only deal. At least, I sure as S@#! couldn’t, bit me in the rump too!’ We would think on it for a sec, before talking about that tree that’s down on winding road.
Then, I would say something like:’ you can switch between orders in the Doordash app, though. It’s pretty easy, just go to the info screen, from either order, and look for the red -jump to task- button, lots of options there’. Perhaps we would agree, having the option to prioritize the timing of doubles/stacks was a good thing. Next we might talk oddly shaped peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. You never know with drivers.
There’s not a lot of that going on in solo driving. Crew meetings are, somewhat predictable. That’s one of the things the website design team is working on, driver. Virtual crew. The idea is to keep you safe and prosperous, and on the way home at the end of the day. We’re just getting started, comments are welcome, especially if they can help other drivers.
Hands in the air if you can’t wait for the big day! I’m excited too! The spooky factor is off the charts this year! More auto and ride content coming soon. Including a look at different delivery vehicles, and the features that help make them a great choice for delivery work. Time to go talk to the peanut butter and jelly sandwich crew, zoom zoom driver.