Fine tuning the proof in the alcohol delivery
The summer season is winding down. As the seasons begin changing, so does delivery cargo. Whether groceries for the homestead, or a treat for the furbabies, deliveries help to manage daily life.
Furthermore, some deliveries can be more for stress relief. Alcohol deliveries to be exact. They are becoming increasingly popular. They are also more involved than the usual delivery.
Alcohol deliveries are not for every courier, there are requirements. Firstly, the courier needs to be at least 21 years of age to deliver alcohol. Also, in the Doordash app, the courier will have to pass a certification exam.
Fine tuning the proof
Now for the sticky part. There are rules that go along with alcohol deliveries. It is important to observe them. Right or wrong is irrelevant, but the consequences are not.
The courier is taking on potential liability, when delivering alcohol. Delivering alcohol to someone that is already intoxicated is banned for a number of reasons. The courier always has the right to refuse delivery.
If the courier cannot complete the delivery due to an intoxicated recipient, the courier can refuse the delivery. Then, follow the directions in the app, for the return of the delivery items. No need to linger.
It is also important for the courier to keep alcohol deliveries in the app. Not only does it keep the courier safe, it also keeps the process legal, and above board.
Again, the courier assumes potential liability when delivering alcohol. The app has the legal steps needed, to alleviate the liability, upon delivery completion. In short, keep it in-app.
The alcohol delivery
Now for the ID. The courier should check to see if the ID is fake. Next, make sure the person in the pic is the one accepting the delivery. Then the courier will use the scan tool, in the app, to scan the ID.
Not every ID is a valid ID for alcohol delivery. Check the app for the requirements.
In the course of alcohol deliveries, I’ve noticed not all state issued IDs will scan with the scan tool, in-app. If the courier experiences delays in this step, there is a way to remedy the problem.
If the barcode does not scan, the app will default to manual entry of ID details, for confirmation.
The process for alcohol deliveries, has additional procedures, at dropoff. However, it is relative in time, to most meet at the door deliveries. Stay safe out there.
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