Easy game day strategies for the best delivery completions
The holiday season was intense and exciting this year. The delivery scene was equally exciting. Couriers working the holiday season from start to finish, had a front row seat for an increase in deliveries, and earnings. Particularly on the weekends. Now the holiday season is in the past, and a new year is underway.
Additionally a new kind of seasonal rush is taking place. One that can influence a delivery rush, especially on the weekends. This new source of increased business is game day. And although game day doesn’t seem to be as big a deal as the holiday season, it actually ranks pretty close.
With this in mind, one of the better ways to capitalize on game day earnings, is to have a game day strategy. Furthermore, it needs to be a strategy that takes advantage of every game day delivery opportunity. This is something that is very possible on the weekends. In fact, that is where the best delivery strategy starts. Most games, and playoff games, are played on the weekends. Therefore weekend work is where it all starts.
Easy Game Day Strategies
Start early. That one can go with just about anything. However, on game days, starting early, is a rule of thumb. Moreover it stands to reason. When a delivery is ordered for game day, it is usually a planned event. In other words the timing matters. Therefore, it’s very likely most delivery orders will come in before the big game starts. In fact, targeting a delivery for halftime is a common practice.
This is for the at-home delivery customer. The one waiting for the wings or the pizza. Or both. Many of these sporting events are just that, events. Timing a delivery of food is a critical part of that event. Which means that many game day fans will be planning a delivery. The courier that arrives on the scene early, is suitably positioned to maximize the earnings potential.
Showing up early, and working the weekends, is just the start of creating a game day strategy. Being able to stay late is another way to maximize the earning potential. Most games played at night, are expected to run late. Furthermore, not every merchant will be open as late as the games being played, will run. Therefore many at-home spectators plan accordingly.
The Best Delivery Completions
Many at-home spectators plan accordingly. For example, timing the delivery order for the last possible second, at the merchant. What this means is the at-home customer tries to get the delivery as close as possible to the closing time of the merchant. In this way the food will arrive at the half-time of the late game. Similarly, it will arrive hot and fresh.
This is especially true during the playoffs, and the bowl games. Or any sporting event that can run into the late evening hours. It is also true on a regular basis. As long as there are merchants open for business, there will be delivery requests.
Along the way deliveries are also important. These are the deliveries an app tries to find for the courier’s return to a starting zone. The thought is that a courier left a zone to drop-off in another zone. It is a benefit for the courier to have a delivery for the return trip to the original zone.
Easy Game Day Completions
The game day delivery is about the hustle. It starts to wind up at midday on the weekends. From there, the delivery demand intensifies, throughout the day into the evening. The early start is best in the hours before noon. Particularly on a day that has multiple playoff games. The rest is up to the courier and the ride. Stay safe out there.
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