Driver for delivery and the best dispatch courier moves
Every delivery has a beginning and an end. The process is clean and simple. Pick up cargo at point A, and deliver the cargo to point B. The distance in-between point A and B, is the run. The more runs a courier can tag in an hour, the better.
With this in mind, it seems as though the courier must be very speedy in all aspects of the delivery. However, the accuracy of the delivery matters too. Furthermore. it is possible to believe one is moving accurately fast, when the opposite is true. In fact, there can be hustle in deliberation.
For example, the impatient driver behind the ride, that passes when it’s the most dangerous of times. A few moments later, the impatient one is waiting at the red light. By the time the courier makes it to the light, it changes to green and there is no wait for the courier. Talk about hustle, in deliberation.
Driver for delivery
This is also where a driver for delivery can save resources. Things like driving the speed limit can save valuable resources. For the courier with an internal combustion engine in the ride, this does mean gas. Additionally, thinning out distractions when nearing the drop-off location, is a best practice.
This drawing down of distractions is more important than it may seem. Particularly if the courier is running nighttime delivery. Just because there is a blinking dot on a map doesn’t mean that map is where the dot should be. A safe delivery completion relies on delivery accuracy.

Confirming a drop-off location with every technique at the courier’s disposal is delivery 101. When the location matches the map, that matches the numbers on the house, that matches the description in the app and is now confirmed in more ways than one.
This delivery accuracy is even more critical when the delivery type, is leave at the door. Without definitive evidence of the proper door, that hot fresh cargo could be at any door. Cooling rapidly, no less.
Dispatch courier
For the new courier starting out, take heart, much of this is learned technique. When the process has been repeated tens of thousands of times it becomes more streamlined. Yes, that is a thought of the obvious. However, just because something is familiar, doesn’t mean it can’t be improved.
The best dispatch courier moves, are the ones adapted to fit the courier’s style of delivery. This means there is more to being a driver for delivery, than just road time. Adapting to changing circumstances, and remaining consistent, primes the courier for a successful delivery. Therefore, the goal is always gaining the excellent delivery completion. Stay safe out there.
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