Dispatch courier best practices for timely trips
The dispatch courier has a job to do. It is recorded, timed, tracked and rated for good measure. Then, it is marked as complete, and time for a new job. The more times a courier is able to do this in an hour, the better.
In fact, the more times a courier can do this in a shift, the better the overall earnings. With this in mind, it doesn’t take long before the courier is turning in better runs. This is the expected result of consistent delivery.
Dispatch courier best practices
Consistent delivery is bread and butter for the courier. Whether working part time or full time hours, consistency is important. Anytime a courier can shave a few seconds off a delivery it is a positive step in the completion of the delivery.

A top technique of the time saving courier is minimizing delays. This includes just about everything that can save a little time. Arrival times for pickups are a good place to save some time. Furthermore this is a simple one. Just get going upon arrival.
Many times the temptation is to handle extra details before actually getting the cargo. For example, the dispatch courier arrives at the pickup location. Rather than immediately entering the cargo location, the courier takes some time.
Maybe a moment for scrolling some non delivery related info. Or a few extra minutes to hear the end of the favorite song. Never mind the cargo waiting patiently. Indeed, it is cargo waiting when cargo should never have to wait. In short, minimize delays. Especially on arrival times.
Timely trips
Not only is it important to minimize delay but also to minimize mistakes. Mistakes that can be avoided, should be. For example, forgetting drinks and deserts. Additionally a clear sense of the drop-off location is important. Wrong turns and missed turns, cost time. Especially when they happen after the pickup.
With this in mind, traffic delays are also a great way to make a delivery, untimely. Avoiding them when possible, is paramount for an on-time, or early delivery. Scoping the roads and selecting routes is courier busy work 101. It should be happening in the background, all the time. Stay safe out there.
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