Delivery special and three ways to improve offers
It doesn’t take long for the miles to add up. In fact, the miles can add up so quickly it becomes easy to lose track of them. The experienced courier has a system to allow for the increase in oil changes. Also the phone number of a quality tire store for some replacement tread. As the miles add up so does the wear and tear. This is when a delivery special can be a positive step in the right direction.
The benefit of a delivery special for the courier, is more opportunity. With an increase, or uptick in delivery requests, comes an uptick in delivery offers from the queue. Add an active queue, and a heavy volume of delivery offers, and the courier is set for an earnings opportunity.
With this in mind, getting the best offers from the queue is a top priority. Especially if the volume of business is greater than usual. This would also mean the courier is getting the best use of all resources. Including time. However, getting better than average offers from the queue isn’t easy. With regard to ratings, it seems the better than average offers, seldom happen.
Delivery Special and Three Ways to Improve Offers
Although, better than average offers may seem rare, they do happen. Especially under optimal circumstances. Things like a delivery zone, or a particular time of day, or a courier’s proximity to a merchant. These are all factors in an optimal setup. Furthermore they can help improve the possible offers from the queue.
Particularly proximity. This is a factor with the offers that appear in the queue. Therefore a premium delivery area would have a healthy mix. In short, high end merchants, in close proximity to one another. This is one possible way to improve the offers from the queue. This technique is more effective during rush hours.
Driving during rush hours is another way to improve the quality of offers. Especially from the queue. Delivery demand is higher during the dinner rush hours. Therefore the courier is likely to see a variety of offers during a rush window. Often, due to demand, the offers are better than average.
The Flexible Courier
Finding an active delivery zone is a bonus. Furthermore, it is natural to want to stick with what works. However, delivery zones can cool down. Additionally, a zone can cool down while the one beside it, fires up. Similarly, there could be a zone across town that remains active throughout the day. Being able to cover multiple zones, improves the courier’s chances for better offers.
In other words, sometimes the best zone for delivery, is not the courier’s comfort zone. Although it does take time to learn an area, it’s worth it in the long run. Furthermore, adapting to new delivery areas, creates more opportunities for the courier. This is in regard to the merchant density of the given zone. Patience is important. However, it is worth it when the delivery quality improves. More on this in upcoming articles. Stay safe out there.
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