Delivery incentive and easy ways to avoid a snafu
There are many exciting things about a delivery. The first on the list would have to be the adventure through traveling. There’s quite a difference between a standard stationary job, and life on the road. Adventure is one thing that comes to mind, almost immediately. And positive social interactions, is another. In other words, it’s a great way to interact with people.
With this in mind, it’s hard to believe a delivery incentive would be necessary. However, a delivery incentive can be the same as a bonus for the courier. Furthermore, it can improve earnings. And it can improve the delivery experience, for the customer, as well as the courier. If it is an incentive in a delivery app, it may be worth pursuing. If the horizon isn’t enough, that is.
However, the fact that an incentive can be a bonus, doesn’t mean every incentive fits every courier. There are occasions, when the incentive isn’t within a courier’s normal operating parameters. For example, an incentive to complete a certain type of delivery. It could be a series of shop and deliver offers. Or a series of alcohol deliveries. Whatever the case, a bonus is usually the offer. Yet, if the courier doesn’t prefer shop and deliver deliveries, the incentive is likely irrelevant.
Delivery Incentive
The delivery incentive is a helpful motivator for a courier. This is true for the crew courier, as well as, the solo courier. The bonus is in the increased earnings. Furthermore, through hustle and effort, the courier can achieve excellent results in customer appreciation. Add to that a delivery incentive, and the earnings are piling up rapidly.
Alongside a delivery incentive, but completely opposite than one, is a snafu. The snafu doesn’t give a flip. It just is. The snafu is inexplicable, but not unexplainable. The question is, can a snafu be eliminated. The short answer is no. But the good news is, they can be anticipated and avoided. In some cases. Furthermore, delivery incentives can be a helpful way to do so.
One thing a delivery incentive does, no matter the incentive, is to encourage diligence. There are many ways a courier can be diligent. And in almost every case, it is a simple matter of paying attention to the details. Then getting the job done. The space between the details, and getting the job done, is where the snafu was avoided.
The Snafu Allergy
It doesn’t take long for the experienced courier to develop a snafu allergy. In fact, it can get so bad the courier begins to double check almost all the details. On every delivery. Then the double-checking becomes second nature. This happens right before it becomes an instinct. Nevertheless, this is just one of the easy ways to avoid a snafu. Stay safe out there.
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