Delivery by the numbers easy money strategies
The first thing about any delivery offer is the numbers. It’s the first thing a courier sees when there is an offer in the queue. Likewise it is one of the first things a crew courier sees on a dispatch board. The numbers. Whether it be the address numbers or the mileage number, the numbers stand out. In fact, for the courier using a delivery app the numbers are priority number one.
With this in mind, the numbers are one of the reasons couriers hustle. When an offer comes up in the queue, the courier runs an internal audit. The amount of the offer is a critical piece of the information. Each courier has their own criteria for what is an appropriate offer. Therefore, the first few moments viewing a delivery offer, are dedicated to crunching the numbers.
However, this process isn’t the way it begins, for the new courier. In fact, the queue, the rush, and the hustle, can feel overwhelming the first few times. It’s difficult to focus on several things at once. Therefore, absorbing the most relevant information is first. The money details. From there add the mileage and location to the internal audit. Within seconds a decision is made and the work begins.
Delivery by the numbers easy money strategies
It doesn’t take long for the courier to notice patterns. Likewise, there are good decisions and bad ones. However, the courier benefits when the money adds up. Therefore, the strategy the courier uses is a developed system. Usually a personally developed system.
For example, the bank method. This strategy is helpful for the goal setter. Additionally, it is easy to do. It is about reaching a preset number. The choice is up to the courier. Let’s look at twenty dollars as an example. The courier’s bank goal is twenty dollars. Then the courier makes three deliveries and earns twenty two dollars in payouts. With the bank method the courier has met the preset goal.
From that point forward the courier can focus on the money. And the delivery offer. Like staying close to certain merchants. Or remaining in one zone by declining far away offers. With the bank method, the pressure of making money lessens once there is a bank. Then the courier can focus on accepting more personalized offers.
Easy Money Strategies
Another method for getting the most from the numbers, is mileage math. Different couriers have different ways of tracking the miles. Furthermore, this type of tracking is also related to expenses. The experienced courier eventually finds the golden number. It comes from various conditions. Vehicle make and driving habits are a few. As well as some selected zones.
Driving conditions and vehicle maintenance also impact expenses. The courier knows the numbers needed to make ends meet. Accepting delivery offers that relate to the courier’s preference is an effective easy money strategy. Using mileage math is one way to determine if an offer is viable before accepting it. Stay safe out there.
(Post originally published 9/9/24; updated 12/14/24)
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