The frog and the Princess – Love Wish
A return to the kingdom, a love wish true at last! I am so happy, the story before, went too fast! This kingdom is filled with love, so beautiful, warm and bright, it’s because the Lovely Princess shares her wondrous light. When last we were here, all sorts of things had gone down. There was…
The frog and the Princess – Love Story
The frog and the Princess – Love Story Tales can be happy and they can also be sad, we’re back to our love story now, and I’m really quite glad. There was so much happening, there was quite a fuss, everything was crazy, and a little bit dangerous. The frog was caught, unheard of but…
The frog and the Princess – Love Story Quest
The frog and the Princess – Love Story Quest A kingdom that is happy is rare and hard to find. I guess that’s why the kingdom of our Lovely Princess, always comes to mind. Hers are the colors, the wonders, and such grace. She’s a shining star, a light in every place! The frog feels…
The frog and The Princess – The Dandelion Potion
The frog and the Princess – The Dandelion Potion Some kingdoms have happily ever afters, and some kingdoms have stories only just begun. We come back to our kingdom now, yes, the kingdom of our Princess, the lovely one! I wonder what has happened, since the last time we were here? And what of the…
The frog and the Princess – One Hidden Key
The frog and the Princess – One Hidden Key More time has passed, time both lovely and sweet. Our friend the frog is still hopping, stealthily, and spinning his beat. It’s a love beat, and it’s sweet, innocent and true. Created from a heart bursting with love and some craziness too. He thinks of her…
The Frog and the Princess – Things That Go Splat
The Frog and the Princess – Things That Go Splat Alone in the evening and quite spent from a long day of caring for her subjects, our lovely Princess rests quietly in the castle. Her heart is golden, and she works tirelessly to care for the many interests of the kingdom. She is beautiful, both…
The Frog and the Princess – Villains and Hope
The Frog and the Princess – Villains and Hope Some time has passed since we last saw our friend, the frog. He’s still a frog, jumpy legs and all, still with that strange taste in food. He dreams big, loves hard, and still has it bad. For a Princess. The Princess. He hops from place…