Category: The frog and the Princess

  • The frog and the Princess – The love adventure racers

    The frog and the Princess – The love adventure racers

    The frog and the Princess – The love adventure racers From faraway, and across a pond, comes a loud ruckus from a place named, Just Beyond. There is clamoring and banging and some strange thumping, plus the repetitive sound, of something jumping! As it so happens, there’s a certain lily pad close by, and it’s…

  • The frog and the Princess – Hide and peek love hopper

    The frog and the Princess – Hide and peek love hopper

    The frog and the Princess – Hide and peek love hopper Welcome back again, and what a happy day! The sun is shining in the most wonderful way! Here in the kingdom the royal castle gleams in the sun, and a valley full of royal subjects, is about to have some fun. Glimmering and dazzling,…

  • The frog and the Princess – Love behind the scenes

    The frog and the Princess – Love behind the scenes

    The frog and the Princess – Love behind the scenes Excerpt from a frog journal, found on a lily pad in the pond: Seems like only yesterday… It’s a shot in the dark… I don’t have a snowflake’s chance in heck…I have to try even if it’s impossible, because I think about her all the…

  • The frog and the Princess – Love flights and glow lights

    The frog and the Princess – Love flights and glow lights

    The frog and the Princess – Love flights and glow lights Lovely and beautiful, she turns around and around. He keeps his eyes on her, as he spins through the air, high above the ground. Not just a moment ago, and right on the concourse, a battle took place. Between a frog, and a castle…

  • The frog and the Princess – Castle gate finja love

    The frog and the Princess – Castle gate finja love

    The frog and the Princess – Castle gate finja love Beautiful and lovely the kingdom glows today! And we have arrived in the middle of the concourse way. The castle is decorated and brightly lit all around. And there is music and laughter, creating the most wonderful sound! All this because the lovely one is…

  • The frog and the Princess – Jumping love 500

    The frog and the Princess – Jumping love 500

    The frog and the Princess – Jumping love 500 So there it is, the shining kingdom, glowing beautiful and bright. And just across the pond that jumpy frog who isn’t altogether right. Hopping along quickly, jumpy legs and flippers on the move. My! That frog looks dapper! As if he has something to prove! Down…

  • The frog and the Princess – Frosted glow bug love

    The frog and the Princess – Frosted glow bug love

    The frog and the Princess – Frosted glow bug love Hello from the kingdom and welcome back! So good to see you again and that’s a fact! There’s lots of activity, out on the pond today. It is windswept and rippling, in the most spectacular way! Furthermore, the trees of the woods have shed color…

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