Category: The frog and the Princess

  • Autumn woods trail of love – The frog and the Princess

    Autumn woods trail of love – The frog and the Princess

    Autumn woods trail of love – The frog and the Princess Out in the country , in a land that seems to glow, strange things are happening, wouldn’t you know. This country is in a kingdom, filled with love’s pure light. And it’s in a darkened place of the woods, that we find ourselves tonight.…

  • Autumn woods love – The frog and the Princess

    Autumn woods love – The frog and the Princess

    Autumn woods love – The frog and the Princess Our story continues in a kingdom glowing bright. It is a beautiful kingdom, especially at night. Although it isn’t normal to be on the castle concourse so late, we had to see this. It just couldn’t wait! Look there! Up against the castle wall. There is…

  • A hopper’s best hope – The frog and the Princess

    A hopper’s best hope – The frog and the Princess

    A hopper’s best hope – The frog and the Princess Welcome back to the kingdom, the one filled with love’s pure light, welcome back to this loveadventure story, where everything always turns out right. It’s been a while, but not much has changed. The lovely Princess is still so lovely, and the frog is still,…

  • Tales of the Courier – Frog heart fairytale

    Tales of the Courier – Frog heart fairytale

    Tales of the Courier – Frog heart fairytale The road, is a smooth stretch of highway. The heat of the day is easing, as the sun sinks below the horizon. The wind is lapping at the window. The cool air is a welcome change. And 1courier pushes the ride for all it’s worth. The machine…

  • The delivery finesse of the timely field mouse

    The delivery finesse of the timely field mouse

    The delivery finesse of the timely field mouse The queue is beginning to grow. The field mouse gets into the line. It appears as though many in the kingdom have arrived to participate in the event. However, the field mouse is not worried. In fact, moving fast is an everyday event for this timely field…

  • A barnstorming owl with better cargo pickup

    A barnstorming owl with better cargo pickup

    A barnstorming owl with better cargo pickup The owl is standing just behind the field mouse, and the inch worm. They are an odd sight, standing in line, next to the only pond in the kingdom. Furthermore, there are more lined up behind the owl. And then many more after that. It is obvious they…

  • Inch worms and better apples

    Inch worms and better apples

    Inch worms and better apples He was an inch worm, only about one inch long. He traveled all around, usually from tree to tree. It was more than a living it was time consuming. It took a while to get from tree to tree. Because his steps only covered one inch at a time. However,…

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