Tales of the Courier – Useful but squashed anyway
Tales of the Courier – Useful but squashed anyway 1courier watches the ride crumple and then flatten. It is fortunate he arrived when he did. Otherwise that could’ve been him. From inside the factory, he watches as the flattened ride is pressed flat to the ground. As he watches, he wonders what the hell happened.…
The quick fix delivered – Tales of the Courier
Tales of the Courier – The quick fix delivered It is that time again. The right time for a route change. 1courier downshifts the ride, and holds it steady, as the road bends in front of him. A moment later he is heading east. The road stretches out to the horizon. It is a horizon…
Tales of the Courier – The more things change
Tales of the Courier – The more things change 1courier walks ahead of the ride. The narrow road winds its way further up the mountain. There is no place to pull over, much less turn around. Unless there is room at the top of this drive, it’s a one way trip. He walks back to…
Tales of the Courier – Special delivery guaranteed easy
Tales of the Courier – Special delivery guaranteed easy The road is four lanes. It stretches off, into the horizon. 1courier floors the accelerator. The rush of speed helps, but the horizon remains out of reach. He pushes on. Entirely ready to finish this delivery. In a rare occurrence, he already knows the next run.…
Tales of the Courier – The first to fall delivery
Tales of the Courier – The first to fall delivery The road goes on forever. At least 1courier hopes it does. This could be a good day to find out. All he has to do is ignore the turn. He pushes the accelerator pedal to the floor. And the ride blazes down the highway. The…
Tales of the Courier – Alert Famous and Free
Tales of the Courier – Alert Famous and Free 1courier watches the robots make a beeline straight for him. He knows that running is pointless. The robots are the newest of their kind. With enhanced hardware, they are faster than any human. In fact, they are faster than most machines, as well. Therefore, he stands…
Tales of the Courier – Daring delivery wanted
Tales of the Courier – Daring delivery wanted It’s not the how, but the when, that counts. No drop-off ever worried about how it got there. Only when. The how was up to the courier. Every time. 1courier downshifts, and pulls the wheel. The ride responds immediately. They are out of the lane, and around…