Category: Tales of the Courier

  • Tales of the Courier – Slipstream Blues

    Tales of the Courier – Slipstream Blues Friends and not friends. That one is age old. Finding a friend in an unexpected place is rare, and not unwelcome. He considers this as they stare at one another. She is obviously surprised, and visibly shaken, but anger flashes across her eyes as she stares at him.…

  • Tales of the Courier – Off the Beaten Path

    Tales of the Courier – Off the Beaten Path It’s sunny and hot, but there’s a breeze blowing, so the heat isn’t the withering kind. It’s the little things. 1courier walks along the side of the highway, waiting for the ride to show. The heat and sunshine are a welcome change from the damp, purple…

  • Tales of the Courier – A Stitch in Time

    Tales of the Courier – A Stitch in Time It becomes obvious with time. Time, does a lot of things, except rewind. One of the favorite games of time is irony. And time always plays for keeps, no do overs. He is out of time. Moved fast, but not fast enough, and ran out of…

  • Tales of the Courier – The Whiskey Barrel

    Tales of the Courier – The Whiskey Barrel Found and not found. At the same time. There and not there, at the same time. Time and no time, at the same place. All of these make sense, to someone. Somewhere. It’s possible to think of somewhere, but difficult through the gunfire. The ride has stalled,…

  • Tales of the Courier – The Runaway Gambit

    Tales of the Courier – The Runaway Gambit He’s falling, fast. He knows there is snow, and wind, freezing to the bone wind. And it slices through him as he falls. Then he strikes something in the chaos of the fall, and he somersaults through the air and tumble/lands into a deep snow bank. The…

  • Tales of the Courier – Back Trail Sweep

    Tales of the Courier – Back Trail Sweep Many leagues further on is the plan. For now, he needs to drive. Just move and flow free. The road has been kind, and allowed this ride to follow along. 1courier drives, and considers a back trail sweep. Later. For now, drive. There is much to ponder…

  • Tales of the Courier – The Wipe Out Effect

    Tales of the Courier – The Wipe Out Effect Finding the place was the easy part. Getting to it was another thing. Agreeing to do this job, was the first twinges of a headache in the making. 1courier stood at the gates, peering down the dark and narrow road, that led away into the wooded…

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