Queue bluffs and the best way to avoid them
Queue bluffs and the best way to avoid them There is a difference between the couriers driving for merchants, and couriers driving solo. This difference can be profound and not just in tax season. A courier driving with a crew, for a merchant, has more than a few perks. One of those perks is the…
A Stolen Delivery and New Delivery Details
A Stolen Delivery and New Delivery Details Events happening on the road, are sometimes unpredictable. Other times it is possible to know exactly what will happen next. In any given moment. The same is true for a delivery offer. Sometimes they are unpredictable. Other times a delivery offer can be a very routine experience. Especially…
Delivery incentives and better results for couriers
Delivery incentives and better results for couriers The delivery experience is largely about convenience. Most customers ordering delivery are trying to save time. Or perhaps the goal is convenience. In some cases, the delivery experience is to celebrate a special occasion. No matter the reason for the delivery, there will be a courier ready to…
The Familiar Merchant and the Best New Zone Challenge
The Familiar Merchant and the Best New Zone Challenge Deliveries can happen almost anytime. They can be almost anywhere. Furthermore, they can cross zones. Or remain in one single zone. The crew courier works in a single zone. Additionally, the crew courier delivers for the same merchant every time. This is a static delivery zone.…
Neighborhood at Night and the Best Professional Courier
Neighborhood at Night and the Best Professional Courier Couriers and neighborhoods, go hand in hand. It is a given that many deliveries occur, in a neighborhood. From neighborhoods long established, to new and developing subdivisions. The experienced courier will have been there. At least once. Additionally, the experienced courier will develop a sense for the…
The lost delivery and the challenge for the courier
The lost delivery and the challenge for the courier Deliveries are the bread and butter of the courier mission. Every delivery counts and every delivery is a challenge. Most deliveries are smooth and go off without a hitch. The courier completes the delivery, and then the courier moves on to the next delivery. Then there…
The dispatch courier challenge of the customer experience
The dispatch courier challenge of the customer experience The customer experience, is a main focal point for most merchants. A positive customer experience is a goal requiring diligence, and a solid work ethic. Furthermore, a happy customer is most likely a repeat customer. And repeat customers, are the pursuit of any successful business. Likewise, a…