Category: Solo Courier

  • Strange Delivery Myths and the Key to Better Ratings

    Strange Delivery Myths and the Key to Better Ratings

    Strange Delivery Myths and the Key to Better Ratings A completed delivery is the goal of every courier. After all, it takes a completed delivery, to generate earnings. If the delivery cannot be completed, the courier discontinues the run. Additionally the courier forgoes any pay. The methods for this process vary, depending on the cause,…

  • Neighborhood at Night and the Best Professional Courier

    Neighborhood at Night and the Best Professional Courier

    Neighborhood at Night and the Best Professional Courier Couriers and neighborhoods, go hand in hand. It is a given that many deliveries occur, in a neighborhood. From neighborhoods long established, to new and developing subdivisions. The experienced courier will have been there. At least once. Additionally, the experienced courier will develop a sense for the…

  • The lost delivery and the challenge for the courier

    The lost delivery and the challenge for the courier

    The lost delivery and the challenge for the courier Deliveries are the bread and butter of the courier mission. Every delivery counts and every delivery is a challenge. Most deliveries are smooth and go off without a hitch. The courier completes the delivery, and then the courier moves on to the next delivery. Then there…

  • The dispatch courier challenge of the customer experience

    The dispatch courier challenge of the customer experience

    The dispatch courier challenge of the customer experience The customer experience, is a main focal point for most merchants. A positive customer experience is a goal requiring diligence, and a solid work ethic. Furthermore, a happy customer is most likely a repeat customer. And repeat customers, are the pursuit of any successful business. Likewise, a…

  • A delivery guarantee, tips for better completions

    A delivery guarantee, tips for better completions

    A delivery guarantee, tips for better completions Leave at the door. Four words that changed everything. For the courier. Most farmers were not impacted by the leave at the door words. Additionally, the entire industry of tire manufacturing was likely unaffected. However, the courier was not left unscathed. With this in mind, there came a…

  • The easy side hustle for the new courier

    The easy side hustle for the new courier

    The easy side hustle for the new courier The new courier has a lot of details to keep track of when starting out. Many of these details are par for the course. Additionally, after time and experience, the courier will be more likely to memorize details. Particularly the finer details, and any special instructions. Much…

  • Free delivery bonus – A special focus on the occasion

    Free delivery bonus – A special focus on the occasion

    Free delivery bonus – A special focus on the occasion From time to time, a special occasion comes around. For the courier, this is likely a holiday event. During special occasions, many merchants, feature special deals. In some cases the deals are featured before the actual holiday. Depending on the holiday, this can be a…

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