Category: Maps

  • A Good Tip

    You made the pick up, and cut some time from your run! You moved quickly and arrived at the delivery location in half the time. Next, you walked up 5 flights of stairs, carrying the contents of your delivery! Next, transfer the delivery to the customer, and your work is done. On to the next.…

  • enjoying life on the road

    enjoying life on the road perpetual motion machine, supposedly not possible, thoughts on becoming a perpetual motion courier, and some other weird stuff to chew on during all that traveling I had a good thought on this topic, it was almost an epiphany. I couldn’t decide if it might have any value to new drivers/couriers;…

  • How does this strike you?

    How does this strike you? Yo driver, plentiful runs today, hope you got some too! Off season work as a driver/courier used to be scarce before the advent of 3rd party delivery apps/companies. Dispatch boards were tethered to physical locations. Routes, as well as orders and destinations, could be more static/predictable. Even with good tips,…

  • Looks Like a Hot Streak

    Yo driver, time to play in the heat! Do you run in the daytime sun, or does summer night driving, fit your schedule better? Looks like a hot streak. Two sides of the same coin, and each side is unique. Which side is best absolutely depends on the variables. What kind of equipment are you…

  • This is my ride, this is my route.

    This is my ride, this is my route. The difference between money and good money, can be influenced in part, by using every advantage available. Successful drivers/couriers, consistently use the shortest distance between two points. This can become a state of mind, that uses hyper thinking, and adaptive reasoning, to secure the goal, time after…

  • Yo driver

    Yo driver This one is about the driver. Little known individual when everything goes smoothly. Someone everyone knows when there’s a screw up. Easy work, hard work, mostly it’s relative to your connection for work opportunities. It’s all risky work, that is largely unsustainable for independent drivers, in today’s world.

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