Category: Maps

  • Knock Again for the Undeliverable Delivery

    Can you hear me knocking? Does the doorbell work? Maybe nobody’s home, now what? Ever stood at someone’s door and asked yourself all these questions? And then knocked harder because maybe they didn’t hear the first knock? Sometimes trying to get someone to answer their door can be quite the challenge. This dilemma is the…

  • Drop It Like It’s Not

    Nothing quite like the sound of wheels on asphalt, and money being made. It’s a winning combination, and sounds better with the windows down! It’s been said there’s a season for everything, and this one has been full tilt. Sometimes it’s impossible to get to everything and everywhere. With that in mind, here’s one that…

  • Hide and Seek Down the Rabbit Hole

    Ever do a full days work and then do it over again? Second time through has all that chagrin about doing it twice. Bedtime, and that feeling of accomplishment, is more about breaking even. Drag ass to the sheets and fall into oblivion, time for hide and seek, down the rabbit hole. Maybe spend the…

  • Always in the Last Place You Look.

    Hello driver and welcome back. Welcome to all. What an exciting Halloween, the level and intensity of the after hours deliveries, was off the charts this year! Only encountered a few snafus, which got me thinking (uh-oh) about trying to find something, with no real idea of it’s location. Why is it always in the…

  • Delivering to the White Coat Crew.

    Howdy driver and welcome back. I once worked with a crew that welcomed drivers back every time. Cool stuff. What’s also cool, is the ever growing number in my run count, things are seriously hopping out there! When the season is in full swing, the variety of locations really picks up! Sometimes it’s strange places,…

  • Breaking Down the Numbers.

    Hello again, and welcome. There we go, a little more formal on that greeting! Yo driver what’s up? Hope it’s your run count, things are really hopping out there! Knocked down a few personal bests over the last few days myself! Easy to do when driving night and day! Shout out to the new drivers…

  • Getting down with the skeleton crew

    Yo driver! Welcome back! Hope you got plenty of good runs today, too! Been getting down with the skeleton crew, first the pit crew, (me) on the wheels/ride. Season’s changing, and that’s tough on rides. Especially a driver’s ride, with well over a thousand miles a week, my pit crew’s maintenance isn’t optional. Next mission,…

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