Category: Maps

  • Delivery accuracy and the helpful little clues

    Delivery accuracy and the helpful little clues

    Delivery accuracy and the helpful little clues In the course of a delivery rush, the process of completions, can become routine. This is a positive thing. If it feels routine, there must be a flow or roll, happening. This is even better if the queue is dropping good offers. With this in mind, cities are…

  • Catering delivery, a special comparison to the cash delivery

    Catering delivery, a special comparison to the cash delivery

    Catering delivery, a special comparison to the cash delivery There are different types of deliveries. Some deliveries are for household goods. Some deliveries are grocery deliveries. Additionally, there are the hot fresh food deliveries. Furthermore, there are also different types of hot fresh food deliveries. With this in mind, the purpose of this article is…

  • Delivery driver jobs and better tech for safer completions

    Delivery driver jobs and better  tech for safer completions

    Delivery driver jobs and better tech for safer completions The courier is waiting for a pickup. In the next scene, the courier is waiting at the red light. The scene after that one, has the courier waiting in a dark driveway, for a text. The driveway is the correct driveway. Furthermore the contact info is…

  • The after rush delivery and the best delivery window

    The after rush delivery and the best delivery window

    The after rush delivery and the best delivery window The delivery rush is an earnings opportunity for the courier. The rush is an all out delivery bonanza. During a rush, the courier will have ample opportunity to make a selection from the delivery queue. Upon completion, there will be more. With this in mind, a…

  • Why it’s all in the delivery

    Why it’s all in the delivery It’s all in the delivery. There are more than a few examples of this simple truth. Attention to detail is just one part. Keeping things lite and upbeat is another element. Routine and expertise forge together, and create a good experience. Moreover, an effective experience. The idea of a…

  • In the Spirit to Deliver the Spirits

    In the Spirit to Deliver the Spirits

    In the Spirit to Deliver the Spirits The summer season is almost officially here. The days are long. They are also hot and getting hotter! The nights are seasonable, and excellent for deliveries. Furthermore, some deliveries are more in the spirit of the season, so to speak. (Update note: This article was originally published in…

  • Zeroing In on the Ghost Location

    Zeroing In on the Ghost Location

    Zeroing In on the Ghost Location Those deep dark summer nights are some of the best nights for a long, leisurely drive. Many miles away from the nearest city lights and under a canopy of stars, the road carries on. The GPS destination is ahead on the right. Nevermind the dense forest all around. As…

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