Loading Up for the Catering Delivery
Loading Up for the Catering Delivery Couriers encounter all types of deliveries. There are quick deliveries, and long deliveries. Also stacked deliveries, and occasionally, catered deliveries. Couriers can quickly assess offers, before accepting. The details of the offer will help clarify what type of delivery is being presented. And if it’s a good opportunity for…
Braking down a speed delivery is in the details
Braking down a speed delivery is in the details The speed delivery is addictive. It can be a great bonus. It can also be a great loss. The times when a speed delivery is a bonus are sometimes about good fortune in more ways than one. With this in mind, it is a good time…
More on the road for road safety
More on the road for road safety Ah the road. The sweet smell of asphalt in the morning. Indeed, at the intersection, the air is filled with the sweet smell of carbon monoxide. The sparkle of safety glass pieces, twinkles in the middle of the intersection. The telltale sign of an eventful night. The coffee…
The high value courier identity
The high value courier identity The high value courier identity is a real thing. Not only does it help the courier but also the drop-off location. That doesn’t really explain the idea. But it does get a conversation started. So what is the high value courier identity? Simply put, it’s the same as professionalism. Furthermore…
The Mechanical Delay and 3 Ways to Win
The Mechanical Delay and 3 Ways to Win Delays happen. They are famous for happening at the worst times. Occasionally a delay can end an entire driving shift, depending on the type of delay, it can also impact the whole day. There are lots of tips to help with maximizing pay and offers while driving.…
A safer courier, more on the safe delivery
A safer courier, more on the safe delivery A safe delivery completion. It’s a worthy goal for the courier. There are unknowns in a drop-off location. Particularly when it is a nighttime delivery. Details for the drop-off, and contact numbers, go through an app. For the solo courier. The crew courier has the same details…
The better way to a safe delivery
The better way to a safe delivery Safe delivery is a coveted thing. Couriers are in unusual places all the time. The offers come in and the solo courier is able to choose between them. The crew courier isn’t able to choose between deliveries due to the dispatch board and crew rules. With this in…