Category: Manual

  • How to keep delivery delays from getting lost in the abyss

    How to keep delivery delays from getting lost in the abyss

    How to keep delivery delays from getting lost in the abyss Ah, the abyss. That strange bottomless pit that no one wants to find in a cave underground. Much less the lobby of a hot fresh food merchant. This is true under ordinary circumstances. And it’s especially true, in extraordinary circumstances. Additionally the abyss is…

  • How to repair a delivery with a delivery chat agent

    How to repair a delivery with a delivery chat agent

    How to repair a delivery with a delivery chat agent The delivery offer is a better than average offer. Accepting it is a given. After the details populate the screen, it’s a short hop to the merchant for the pick-up. When the courier arrives at the merchant, the wait is short. This is because the…

  • Delivery notes and pins, how to use them efficiently

    Delivery notes and pins, how to use them efficiently

    Delivery notes and pins, how to use them efficiently It’s possible to deliver to the same location more than once. In fact it’s possible to deliver to the same location on a regular basis. Delivery has become more than just a convenience. It has become a functional part of everyday life. With this in mind…

  • Extreme delivery, what it looks like and how to deliver it

    Extreme delivery, what it looks like and how to deliver it

    Extreme delivery, what it looks like and how to deliver it Deliveries are the lifeline of a courier. The goal of a courier, is to complete a delivery of something. The delivery cargo can be anything from papers to hot fresh food. The solo courier sees a wide variety of delivery types, while the crew…

  • A new season equals new driving challenges for the courier

    A new season equals new driving challenges for the courier A new season is on the way. And it’s approaching fast. When the seasons change, so do driving challenges for the courier. Not only driving challenges, but also the timing of those challenges. After a summer of hot asphalt and blazing temps, a season change…

  • Putting together a full tank of gas on the fly

    Putting together a full tank of gas on the fly

    Putting together a full tank of gas on the fly Is the wallet feeling a little slim? Did the day start with a partially full tank of gas, maybe, below half? It happens, often, to many couriers. In fact, that was my start yesterday. It was better than the tank on E start. Those are…

  • The Heat of the Long Run and Why it Matters

    The Heat of the Long Run and Why it Matters

    The Heat of the Long Run and Why it Matters Each delivery has its own set of circumstances. They can’t all be the same. If every delivery went smoothly, and paid handsomely, it would be great. However, that’s not the case. Furthermore, since each delivery is unique, destinations and routes are as well. This means…

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