Category: Delivery Search

  • The early delivery is better for day shift couriers

    The early delivery is better for day shift couriers

    The early delivery is better for day shift couriers A day shift courier has a unique position. The day shift courier experiences a different kind of delivery rush. The circumstances in a routine day delivery, are almost the opposite of the night delivery experience. Which is not to discount the challenges encountered in the usual…

  • Holiday delivery and accuracy for better results

    Holiday delivery and accuracy for better results Couriers who complete deliveries on holidays, experience another facet of the delivery game. In fact, holiday deliveries do have unique aspects. Particularly when compared to typical delivery days. With this in mind, it is important for the courier to remember the basics. Especially during a holiday delivery shift.…

  • Delivery feedback and better ratings mean happy returns

    Delivery feedback and better ratings mean happy returns

    Delivery feedback and better ratings mean happy returns The rain has been quite a bonus. There’s nothing like a weather event, to stir up an active rush. Even the most unpopular night of the week, can become intensely busy during severe weather. With this in mind, it is one of the few predictable things, a…

  • Delayed delivery and the best courier techniques

    Delayed delivery and the best courier techniques

    Delayed delivery and the best courier techniques Every courier faces a delayed delivery, at one time or another. Sometimes, it might happen, one right after another. Other times, the shift starts out great, but fizzles at the end. This is when the best courier techniques come into play. With this in mind, the kind of…

  • Better delivery ratings and how to get them – properly

    Better delivery ratings and how to get them – properly

    Better delivery ratings and how to get them – properly It’s that time again. Once more into the breach, of delivery ratings. Those pesky performance trackers. Not only are they a part of delivery apps, but also important enough to stymie better pay, if not monitored. Experienced couriers are very aware of delivery ratings. In…

  • Delivery tracker, and can you see me now?

    Delivery tracker, and can you see me now?

    Delivery tracker, and can you see me now? Most of the time the courier is easy to find. Occasionally, the courier isn’t so easy to find. If a delivery is involved, the odds are good the courier will be in the delivery tracker. In fact, the courier will be the little red or blue dot,…

  • Couriers and the better safety practices

    Couriers and the better safety practices

    Couriers and the better safety practices Safety is a top concern for couriers. In fact, it is a concern for couriers and merchants alike. Even delivery apps place emphasis on safety concerns. The better delivery apps have safety features woven into the app. Therefore, they are a benefit for the courier. On each delivery. With…

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