Category: Delivery Search

  • Holiday delivery and accuracy for better results

    Holiday delivery and accuracy for better results Couriers who complete deliveries on holidays, experience another facet of the delivery game. In fact, holiday deliveries do have unique aspects. Particularly when compared to typical delivery days. With this in mind, it is important for the courier to remember the basics. Especially during a holiday delivery shift.…

  • Delivery overview and the easy way to remember details

    Delivery overview and the easy way to remember details

    Delivery overview and the easy way to remember details A delivery can be short, or long. It can also be time consuming, or quick. Furthermore, even though the delivery process is repetitive, the details are different. On each delivery. This is especially true, concerning different types of cargo. And as every courier knows, with cargo,…

  • How to pick the best delivery app for sidehustle money

    How to pick the best delivery app for  sidehustle money

    How to pick the best delivery app for sidehustle money A side hustle is one of the best ways to earn extra income. And the good news is there are a lot of side hustles. This is good news because it is always a benefit to have options. Particularly when looking for a boost in…

  • Delivery incentive and easy ways to avoid a snafu

    Delivery incentive and easy ways to avoid a snafu

    Delivery incentive and easy ways to avoid a snafu There are many exciting things about a delivery. The first on the list would have to be the adventure through traveling. There’s quite a difference between a standard stationary job, and life on the road. Adventure is one thing that comes to mind, almost immediately. And…

  • On time delivery and new route development

    On time delivery and new route development

    On time delivery and developing new routes A delivery route is an essential part of a delivery. A fixed and reliable route benefits the courier. The timing of the route, as well as the predictability of the route, is a valuable asset for the courier. This intel is useful, when an on time delivery, is…

  • New courier delivery jobs and the tech advantage

    New courier delivery jobs and the tech advantage

    New courier delivery jobs and the tech advantage The first thing old school couriers did, was check the wall maps. This was before the hand-held super computer (smartphones) took things to a new level. Furthermore, it was common to see pencils and scraps of paper. Many couriers used these to write down street names. Because…

  • The grocery delivery and new ideas for drop-off accuracy

    The grocery delivery and new ideas for drop-off accuracy

    The grocery delivery and new ideas for drop-off accuracy Welcome to the weekend, the heart of the courier work week. Every weekend starts the same way. Thank goodness it’s Friday. Every courier appreciates the bonus of the weekend. There is more business, more often, on the weekend. This leads to more opportunities for improved earnings.…

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