Building delivery experience for the new courier
Building delivery experience for the new courier It’s an age old conundrum. The job is available, but only to the experienced courier. Likewise the inexperienced driver wants to get experience running deliveries. However, only experienced drivers are considered. With this in mind, gaining delivery experience, can feel like a catch twenty two. Or an unsolvable…
The special delivery and the porch with the best light
The special delivery and the porch with the best light There is a difference between day deliveries, and night deliveries. Or more precisely, there is a difference in the degree of difficulty. A GPS device is handy and accurate, most of the time. However, there are times it causes more confusion, than it solves. In…
New delivery techniques and the time bump
New delivery techniques and the time bump The holiday season is always a positive factor in delivery work. It is the bread and butter of delivery, for a courier. The intensity and demand of the holidays can stretch resources pretty thin. Furthermore, time is always a factor. Either making more time, beating the time, or…
The best courier services are customer friendly
The best courier services are customer friendly Couriers have a busy occupation. There are details, road rules, and more details. There are decisions to make, and no time to spare. And all of this leads to running on empty much of the time. Sometimes it’s a calculated risk to forego a fuel stop. Every courier…
The guaranteed delivery and how it actually began
The guaranteed delivery and how it actually began A delivery is a contract arrangement. Depending on the status of the courier. Even when the courier is part of a crew, there are still contract elements to the arrangement. It is still largely a service, based on a measure of trust, and good will. Furthermore, the…
Changing road conditions and the easy double stack
Changing road conditions and the easy double stack The road is long. It also has many a winding turn. There are roads that are old, and there are new roads. The new roads are built while using the old roads. Furthermore it’s very important to keep the roads maintained and expanding with all the use…