Category: Deliveries

  • The delivery pin and how to ignore it

    The delivery pin and how to ignore it

    The delivery pin and how to ignore it The delivery pin is important. Once upon a time it was only generally important. That was mainly because it was only in the general area. The general area was okay, and from there, the courier handled the rest. That was then. Furthermore, it was a delivery pin…

  • Zone deliveries and out of zone drop-off locations

    Zone deliveries and out of zone drop-off locations

    Zone deliveries and out of zone drop-off locations Delivery zones are not just an app feature. In fact, the crew courier also has a zone. It is the delivery merchant that sets the limits on their own delivery zones. The merchant has many things to consider when setting up a delivery zone. For example, how…

  • Better deliveries with less delay makes the day

    Better deliveries with less delay makes the day

    Better deliveries with less delay makes the day The faster the better. That’s the idea behind a good delivery. If the dinner can be ordered, and arrive in less than thirty minutes, it is excellent. If it arrives in fifteen minutes, that’s even better! However, the five minute delivery wins every time. With this in…

  • Delivery delay extreme, how to salvage a lost delivery

    Delivery delay extreme, how to salvage a lost delivery

    Delivery delay It’s the little things. Especially in a successful delivery. It’s also the little things that can lead to an unsuccessful delivery. One delivery can be a pivotal moment in a delivery shift. This can mean the difference between stellar earnings and not. It comes down to numbers. Therefore when those numbers get nudged…

  • The return delivery and how to get compensated

    The return delivery and how to get compensated

    The return delivery and how to get compensated Trips are good. Return trips are also good. Except when they’re not. Many of the articles on this site will talk about the importance of delivery completions. After all, it’s the completion that yields the pay. With this in mind, it is always a positive to pluck…

  • Holiday Deliveries and Pain at the Pump

    Holiday Deliveries and Pain at the Pump

    Holiday Deliveries and Pain at the Pump The summer season is nearing its end! The heat has definitely lessened and the roads are busier than ever! With all those busy roads, and all the traveling, comes the all too familiar stop at the gas pump. Maybe a better term is the all too painful stop…

  • Back to school deliveries and a better traffic plan

    Back to school deliveries and a better traffic plan

    Back to school deliveries and a better traffic plan The summer season is almost over. And a new season will be starting soon. Rather than cooling down, the delivery scene is heating up. Indeed, this year has seen ups and downs in many areas. And in some cases, such as fuel, only the ups. With…

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