Category: Deliveries

  • Late night delivery and tips for better results

    Late night delivery and tips for better results

    Late night delivery and tips for better results Late night deliveries are a thing on their own. For anyone who doesn’t like the crowded roads of the day, late night deliveries are a positive option. Similarly, there are more than a few late night merchants, serving up those late night deliveries. With this in mind,…

  • A few myths about the speedy delivery

    A few myths about the speedy delivery

    A few myths about the speedy delivery Once upon a time there were commercials about crazy delivery drivers. Not only did they treat cargo with reckless abandon, but also had no regard for road safety. Thank goodness it was only fiction, on television. I did notice a few eyebrows, raise a little, on that last…

  • Lunch delivery and better returns

    Lunch delivery and better returns

    Lunch delivery and better returns It’s that time again. Lunch time. It is possibly the best time of the day. Especially if there is a good lunch. However, most are at work during the sweet midday break. The rest are on the road during the sweet midday break. This mix is almost a conundrum. Furthermore,…

  • Nearby Delivery and 3 Ways to Improve Offers

    Nearby Delivery and 3 Ways to Improve Offers

    Nearby Delivery and 3 Ways to Improve Offers Many of the posts and articles on this site, are about the faraway delivery. The far away delivery can make or break a good shift. Short distance deliveries are preferable. It’s a matter of economics and a smart business strategy. Getting more accepted contracts in a shift…

  • The best courier for the closest delivery

    The best courier for the closest delivery

    The best courier for the closest delivery Once in every while a better than average delivery offer happens. Based on the time of day, and the day of the week, the offer could be extremely generous. It could be very short and generous. It could be long and far away, yet still generous. Furthermore, it…

  • A better dispatch delivery driver

    A better dispatch delivery driver

    A better dispatch delivery driver Ah the road. It’s more than an adventure. It’s a job. The road is an ongoing event. It runs behind, it runs ahead and it’s a constant companion. The driver for hire sees the road as an opportunity. A reliable, income producing, opportunity. Additionally, the road is being expanded daily.…

  • Arrival time rating and how to improve it

    Arrival time rating and how to improve it

    Arrival time rating and how to improve it Arrival times matter. The courier is timed throughout every delivery. From the moment the offer is accepted. To the moment it is cleared. There is a timer for every part of the delivery. One of the first things a new courier will notice is the arrival time…

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