Cargo and address glitches, tips for better results
The amount of deliveries a courier can do in one hour, varies. There are many factors in play. Furthermore, the type of delivery matters. The shorter the distance, the more time there is in that hour.
The more opportunities there are in an hour, the more opportunities overall. So, hustle matters. Hustle and flow are best when maintained, once achieved. This is when an address glitch matters as well.
They happen all the time for various reasons, and they don’t slow things up too much, if the courier is on point. Some of the address issues, or glitches, are common. For example there are no numbers marking the physical location.
Address Glitches
Other times the glitch is more pronounced and threatens to bamboozle the whole delivery. Whatever the case may be at the time, there are only a few workarounds, depending on the scenario.
The ultimate failure of a delivery is a return of the cargo to the merchant. This is the signal that the delivery was unsuccessful. The courier making the return, knows it was unsuccessful, as does the app. By the time the courier returns the cargo to the merchant, the former dropoff location knows as well.
This is a rare occurrence, and happens mainly with nonperishable items, such as alcohol. An alcohol delivery that has address glitches will go back to the merchant each time, until the glitch is clear. The alcohol delivery address, must match the GPS for the delivery to happen. There are stringent rules in place for alcohol deliveries.
When the address of the dropoff location does not match the address in the GPS, it will not be possible to mark the delivery as complete. The GPS location must match the address, on most occasions.
Better results
There are rare occasions that it’s possible to clear a delivery in the app, without being at the precise GPS location. This is not the case for any alcohol deliveries, but is possible on hot fresh food deliveries.
Upon completion there will be an option for the courier to mark the delivery complete, and override the GPS restrictions. This is possible because the dropoff location is able to confirm delivery, despite the GPS location.
Many glitches and address issues, are easily resolved with mindfulness, and deliberate thinking. As always if the courier runs into a situation that is out of the norm, it is possible to contact the dropoff location and get precise directions.
It is also possible to return the cargo to the merchant, the app will have a procedure to follow if the delivery is not possible to complete. Stay safe out there.
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