Building delivery experience for the new courier
It’s an age old conundrum. The job is available, but only to the experienced courier. Likewise the inexperienced driver wants to get experience running deliveries. However, only experienced drivers are considered.
With this in mind, gaining delivery experience, can feel like a catch twenty two. Or an unsolvable dilemma. However, building delivery experience, is possible. Particularly, experience that will benefit the courier. Here are a few ideas to help build delivery experience. The table of contents below, can be used to skip ahead to a desired section.
- Building Delivery Experience
- Start Small
- Put in the Time
- Expand Experience
- Continue Learning
- Safety First
Whether it be for side hustle, or for a brick and mortar restaurant brand, delivery experience is actually cumulative. In fact, many articles on this site, reference the process of at home delivery. For example, the process is the same on every delivery. However, every delivery, is different.
Building delivery experience
The same holds true for gaining delivery experience. Starting somewhere, is starting. Furthermore, starting in some places, requires more experience than starting in other places. For example, a delivery app.
There’s a reason they want experienced drivers. Anyone using a delivery app to complete deliveries, and make money at it, needs at least some experience. This isn’t to say the driver needs courier experience from the start. Indeed, courier experience, and road experience, are not mutually exclusive. They’re just different.
For this reason, potential couriers need at least two years of general road experience. Additionally, previous delivery experience is favored. Therefore getting the experience is important.
Start Small
They’re different, because one can lead to the other. Likewise, these two things compliment one another, in the sense that they can lead to getting paid. Therefore, if the prospective courier is looking for experience, a merchant with a delivery crew is a good place to start. Not only will the courier learn the basics, but also there are other couriers to help with the learning curve.
There are many merchants that also have in-house delivery crews. Be persistent, and apply to as many as possible. Talk to managers whenever possible, and express interest.
And the number one thing to remember is… open availability. And yes that absolutely means weekends. In fact, the weekends are bread and butter for the courier.
Put in the Time for Delivery Experience
It may take consistent effort to land a delivery job. However, once the new courier is hired, persistent effort will be the key. Working extra hours is a great way to gain experience. And get paid. Similarly it allows the courier to become very familiar with an area. Or zone.
The familiarity with a zone, can easily become one of the courier’s greatest assets. Having a reliable timing system, that is not tech related, is an underrated benefit. Therefore, it helps. Once again consistency is the key.
Putting in the time needed, is a valuable way to learn. Once the courier becomes more familiar with the job, and the process, the earning potential grows.
Expand the Experience
Now it’s time to grow. Once the new courier has some experience under their belt it’s possible to expand. Perhaps the courier is looking to drive for another brand. Or maybe it is a matter of adding additional income, by using a delivery app.
Whatever the case may be, once the new courier has some real world experience, it is easier to grow that experience.
This applies to jobs offered by employers, as well as work that is available using a delivery app. In fact, delivery apps appreciate a courier that has real world experience.
This is training an app looks for. Similarly there are many different merchants. So expanding work experience to include other brands can be an advantage.
Continue Learning
Expanding the experience drives the need to continue learning. A courier that continues to learn, also improves. When a courier improves, so do the stats. Particularly completion times.
And every courier knows the faster a delivery is completed, the faster the courier is onto the next.
This is why learning delivery techniques is so important. Additionally, the courier can stay up to date on safety issues and current trends. Whatever it is the courier needs to learn, the benefit will be in learning it proactively. When possible.
Safety First
Safety first, is the first thing a new courier learns when starting out with a merchant. Many merchants with in-house delivery crews also have specific training for their couriers.
Similarly, most delivery apps have dedicated safety features for couriers. This is a bonus for the courier. Safety should always be a top goal for the courier. This is a general rule that is non-negotiable.
Both on the road, and off the road.
With this in mind, a safety first approach to delivery completions, is paramount for all couriers. Both new and old. Stay safe out there.
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