Phasing in the Ghost Kitchen
Phasing in the Ghost Kitchen Time for dinner! We all head to the kitchen for some grub! Along the way some get lost, a few others decide for the drive-thru, and then there are the last few who stick it out, and there’s no kitchen. It was here a moment ago and now it seems…
The frog and the Princess – The Love Skinny Hop
The Frog and the Princess – The Love Skinny Hop A drop then a hop and trouble starts, a hop then a stop and trouble departs. A frog caught in a net, and then set free! Really? He’s free? Oh wow that’s great! Now he hops away, easily! Wait! Hold on, just a minute now!…
Basic number strategies for the new courier
Basic number strategies for the new courier Welcome. The fall season is well underway and the fall colors are popping this year! The deliveries are also popping, from sunup to well beyond sundown. Furthermore, there is an increase in the nighttime traffic hours. All of this signals the start of a robust holiday season for…
The flawless delivery and the money tree, is one better than the other?
The flawless delivery and the money tree, is one better than the other? The flawless delivery is a myth. The close to flawless delivery is spot on. The money tree is also a myth. I’m certain there isn’t anything close to a money tree. Most parents can confirm that statement as fact. This information is…
The sealed cargo and Shrodinger’s cat effect how to
The sealed cargo and Shrodinger’s cat effect how to Delivery driving is more than an adventure, it’s a job. It is also more than a job, especially when it’s a headache. However, the headaches and hiccups are part of the job, so, it has elements of an adventure, as well. It’s the job part that…
More on schedules and louie louie we gotta go now
More on schedules and louie louie we gotta go now Welcome. Articles on this site are about successfully completing deliveries. Additionally, the articles are meant to assist the courier, and provide easy to use insights. Deliveries do not always go according to plan. Likewise, not every plan unfolds flawlessly, and this can be especially true…
The excessive wait delivery, is it really worth it?
The excessive wait delivery, is it really worth it? Welcome. The excessive wait delivery, is it really worth it? A good question with a multitude of possible answers, or at least two. Every courier has been in this predicament at least once. Or twice. So what is the excessive wait? Also, how does a courier…