The secrets of the doghouse frog
The secrets of the doghouse frog At a pond in a land far away. A doghouse frog came to stay. He isn’t an unhappy lad. He likes the lovely Princess. And he has it bad. Therefore his heart searches for her everyday. Furthermore, this frog is a doghouse frog you see. Kind of rough around…
The delivery tip has its own system and it’s unique
The delivery tip has its own system and it’s unique Everyone has been there at one time or another. Maybe it’s dinner at a favorite restaurant. Or, maybe it’s a specialized coffee. In either case, a tip is common practice. Furthermore, the tip is usually based on a system. Sometimes there is the generous, out…
The scavenger hunt delivery and the best pickup line
The scavenger hunt delivery and the best pickup line There are many types of deliveries. Many of those have been detailed, on this site, in one way or another. Every courier has a name for a particular delivery. Some of those names are notorious because of what they represent. Perhaps there was an extreme delay.…
Late night delivery and tips for better results
Late night delivery and tips for better results Late night deliveries are a thing on their own. For anyone who doesn’t like the crowded roads of the day, late night deliveries are a positive option. Similarly, there are more than a few late night merchants, serving up those late night deliveries. With this in mind,…
The one of a kind high test delivery vehicle
The one of a kind high test delivery vehicle Running deliveries is a fast paced process. Fortunately there are vehicles that can manage it. For example, a Lamborghini. The problem with a Lamborghini is that not every courier can afford one. Nor does every courier have a magical money account to secretly pull money from.…