Convenience and value for the best delivery
Convenience and value for the best delivery It is the goal of every delivery. If it isn’t, it really should be. In fact, the whole experience should be about that one particular thing. And yes this article isn’t about the yo yo gas prices. Well, not in the direct sense. However, it does heavily emphasize…
Tales of the Courier – The special delivery effect
Tales of the courier – The special delivery effect 1courier blinks twice and takes in the new digs. It is HQ. Rather than wonder how he had just been instantly transported here, he walks on in instead. It was usual for HQ to have unusual methods. 1courier grins, at least he will get to see…
How to pick the best delivery app for sidehustle money
How to pick the best delivery app for sidehustle money A side hustle is one of the best ways to earn extra income. And the good news is there are a lot of side hustles. This is good news because it is always a benefit to have options. Particularly when looking for a boost in…
Zone or zoneless, and the value of the limit
Zone or zoneless, and the value of the limit We have reached the limit. For a limited time only. It is only limited by your imagination. These days it seems as though a limit is placed on everything. In fact, many things do have limits. There are time limits, speed limits, city limits and the…
Delivery incentive and easy ways to avoid a snafu
Delivery incentive and easy ways to avoid a snafu There are many exciting things about a delivery. The first on the list would have to be the adventure through traveling. There’s quite a difference between a standard stationary job, and life on the road. Adventure is one thing that comes to mind, almost immediately. And…
Tales of the Courier – The mind over anti-matter delivery
Tales of the Courier – Mind over the anti-matter zone The road is long. And depending on the time of day, the road is empty. 1courier is enjoying the empty road. Much of the time there is plenty happening on the road. Therefore, it is a welcome change to have all the lanes to himself.…
The art of the delivery and the easy way around
The art of the delivery and the easy way around It was a steep incline. Probably best not to drive it. So we drive it anyway. It’s the first attempt, at an easy way around the challenge. A challenge that came out of the blue. It sounds strange to think of a road obstacle as…