The frog and the Princess – The Bunny Bonanza
The frog and the Princess – The Bunny Bonanza We’ve arrived back to the kingdom, the one made of love’s pure light, this is quite different! We’ve arrived in the middle of the night! A strange thing happened when last we were here. It was huge, and from nowhere it did appear! A Lovely Princess…
The Pin Delivery and How to Complete It
The Pin Delivery and How to Complete It Summertime is fast approaching and it’s sure to be a busy season this year. Things are heating up, and not just the asphalt. Deliveries are moving into the summertime routines, and that changes some elements of the delivery scene. The top rush times for weekends will remain…
The Completion of the Cancelled Delivery
The Completion of the Cancelled Delivery What’s in a name? It turns out a lot. And sometimes that name, is a strange one too. Strange names are part of finding that strange location, that isn’t easy to get to. Once the strange location has been found, it’s time to deliver. Unless it is cancelled as…
Tales of the Courier – Showdown at Sundown
Tales of the Courier – Showdown at Sundown A high speed standoff. A showdown of the the fast kind. Unstoppable force, meets immovable object. A classic game of chicken, winner takes all. 1courier switches on the tunes, dials the fun to maximum, and floors the accelerator pedal. Tell tale signs and missed connections were front…
OBD-ll Recommendation and Light’s Out
OBD-ll Recommendation and Light’s Out Lights out and that’s a good thing. If it’s the check engine light. That particular light is a spoiler and can lead to unexpected expenses, and even a tow in some cases. Once upon a time, through experience, trial and error, it was possible to diagnose engine troubles without the…
Tales of the Courier – Boondocks Haul
Tales of the Courier – Boondocks Haul Road rules matter because it keeps the wheels moving. The road was made for moving wheels. Stationary wheels are for parking lots. Moving wheels are also good for amusing thoughts. 1courier decides to keep these thoughts to himself as he pushes the ride into overdrive. Hours earlier the…
The Recurring Customer’s Impact on the Tip
The Recurring Customer’s Impact on the Tip The Nintendo was a boon to home entertainment, back in the day. In later years gaming systems became extreme in capability and content. In those days, it was possible to buy a game, take it home, and play it again and again. The idea of paying a monthly…