Better deliveries with less delay makes the day
The faster the better. That’s the idea behind a good delivery. If the dinner can be ordered, and arrive in less than thirty minutes, it is excellent. If it arrives in fifteen minutes, that’s even better! However, the five minute delivery wins every time.
With this in mind, it’s very likely the five minute delivery will not be achieved until the invention of the teleporter. That’s when things really get fast. It’s a positive thought, but likely years away from reality. It’s a good idea though. And a real gas saver. Or so it seems.
Better deliveries with less delay
Although the teleporter is not yet invented (that we know of) it’s still possible to improve delivery times. There are several steps the courier can take to achieve better deliveries, with less delay. Additionally, it all involves hustle.
Every courier has a system. A certain way of doing things. Therefore, it is easy to get into a fixed method. Cutting down on delays at the pickup location is a great start on a better delivery. Some useful tips for getting started are picking the order up as soon as possible. For example, making contact with merchant staff upon arrival.
Searching for delivery pickups on shelves available to the public is another way to quicken the process. In short, looking for any way to improve the turnaround time at the pickup location. Including avoiding the drive-thru when possible. That one place is a delivery slow down, guaranteed.
Additionally, traffic influences delivery times. When the courier is stuck waiting in traffic, a delivery is surely being delayed. Somewhere. With this in mind route selection, is important. A suggested route, is just that, suggested.
Furthermore, the mapping app doesn’t take into account the small road closure. Nor the narrowed lanes of a community utility project. Many things can influence a route. It is up to the courier to select the best workable route. At the time of delivery.
Makes the day
Knowing the destination is another technique for improved completion times. When the courier is delayed while waiting for cargo, it is an opportune time to consider routes. However, some apps conceal the drop-off address, until the pick-up is confirmed.
When this is the case the courier can analyze traffic reports for the general area. Knowing about a traffic jam ahead of time (so it can be avoided) is golden. It also saves time. When the courier can see the address of the drop-off location, becoming familiar with the details of the route, is a positive use of slow down time. Stay safe out there.
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