Best Delivery Windows for Running the Rush
The heat has arrived! The roads are settling in and the redlights are working over time! Traffic is ever increasing and those flashing lights are still jumping into the mix at random times.
All this activity on the roads tends to ebb and flow. There are times when the roads are jammed packed. There are times when every light is green, and there’s plenty of breathing room.
Traffic ebbs and flows with the rush hours of the daily grind. These times are also good indicators of profit windows for couriers. They happen at the same time daily.
When traffic is rushing, that is an excellent time for the courier to be rushing as well.
There are three rush windows that happen every day. The level of intensity depends on the size of the city.
It can be difficult to decide when to run for maximum earnings, however, a courier will benefit by thinking in terms of the time of day. Some couriers prefer day driving, and some prefer night driving.
Breaking the day up, into delivery windows, means the courier can make a plan to maximize earning potential.
When thinking in terms of running the rush, the courier determines the times to run, in short, think breakfast, lunch and dinner.
The typical times that correspond with the best delivery windows for running the rush, are listed below.
6 a.m. to 9 a.m. Breakfast rush. 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Lunch rush. 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Dinner rush.
In as much as it’s possible, a courier’s schedule, is one of the things that is important to keep flexible, but this is not always possible.
When a courier knows the best delivery windows, it’s much easier to plan accordingly.
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