Author: 1driver

  • The frog and the Princess – One Hidden Key

    The frog and the Princess – One Hidden Key More time has passed, time both lovely and sweet. Our friend the frog is still hopping, stealthily, and spinning his beat. It’s a love beat, and it’s sweet, innocent and true. Created from a heart bursting with love and some craziness too. He thinks of her…

  • Tales of the Courier – The Runaway Gambit

    Tales of the Courier – The Runaway Gambit He’s falling, fast. He knows there is snow, and wind, freezing to the bone wind. And it slices through him as he falls. Then he strikes something in the chaos of the fall, and he somersaults through the air and tumble/lands into a deep snow bank. The…

  • Hide and Seek Down the Rabbit Hole

    Ever do a full days work and then do it over again? Second time through has all that chagrin about doing it twice. Bedtime, and that feeling of accomplishment, is more about breaking even. Drag ass to the sheets and fall into oblivion, time for hide and seek, down the rabbit hole. Maybe spend the…

  • Tales of the Courier – Back Trail Sweep

    Tales of the Courier – Back Trail Sweep Many leagues further on is the plan. For now, he needs to drive. Just move and flow free. The road has been kind, and allowed this ride to follow along. 1courier drives, and considers a back trail sweep. Later. For now, drive. There is much to ponder…

  • The Frog and the Princess – Things That Go Splat

    The Frog and the Princess – Things That Go Splat Alone in the evening and quite spent from a long day of caring for her subjects, our lovely Princess rests quietly in the castle. Her heart is golden, and she works tirelessly to care for the many interests of the kingdom. She is beautiful, both…

  • The Frog and the Princess – Villains and Hope

    The Frog and the Princess – Villains and Hope Some time has passed since we last saw our friend, the frog. He’s still a frog, jumpy legs and all, still with that strange taste in food. He dreams big, loves hard, and still has it bad. For a Princess. The Princess. He hops from place…

  • Tales of the Courier – The Wipe Out Effect

    Tales of the Courier – The Wipe Out Effect Finding the place was the easy part. Getting to it was another thing. Agreeing to do this job, was the first twinges of a headache in the making. 1courier stood at the gates, peering down the dark and narrow road, that led away into the wooded…

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