Author: 1driver

  • Free parking and parking tickets, which is best?

    Free parking and parking tickets, which is best? Welcome back, and to the first timers, welcome. This site is all about driving and also driving for pay. Additionally, there are insights for every phase of a delivery. From accepting an offer, to the completion of the delivery. All of the articles, contain at least one…

  • Tales of the Courier – Two for the Show

    Tales of the Courier – Two for the Show 1courier is watching the strange AI powered vehicle race towards where he is standing. He wonders if he’ll have time to flee, and decides not. Then, the m-com link flashes on and beckons, the sense of humor right on time. He grins instead, and decides to…

  • The frog and the Princess – The Toad to Love

    The frog and the Princess – The Toad to Love Once upon a time, there was a slimy frog. It was plain to see, he was a slimy frog. He had the jumpy legs, and a spring in his hop, but that’s not where it stopped. This frog was also a little crazy, he dreamed…

  • Tales of the Courier – The Smoke Screen Pass

    Tales of the Courier – The Smoke Screen Pass He wakes up, facing up. Bright suns are glaring in the sky, and he shields his eyes. Sitting up and looking around, he takes stock of his condition, then his surroundings. The m-com link is gone and he has no ride, also, his boots are gone.…

  • More Boring Safety Insights – Smoke ’em if you got ’em

    More Boring safety Insights – Smoke ’em if you got ’em It’s that time of year again! The sunshine is hot the roads are hot and deliveries are hot. However, the days are getting shorter, and the nights are getting longer. For the courier, who is a fan of night driving, this is good news.…

  • The Worthwhile Wait and Special Instructions

    The Worthwhile Wait and Special Instructions Couriers are always on the move, from pickup to dropoff, the pace is always progressive. Additionally, each step that a courier completes, brings the next offer, one step closer. A delivery app will have a step by step process for accepting and completing a delivery. In the same way,…

  • Tales of the Courier – No Time for Siesta

    Tales of the Courier – No Time for Siesta There is smoke and pain. 1courier awakens from a brief siesta upside down and disoriented. He turns his head to see how much of the ride is left, and blacks out. Moments later, he awakens again, in more pain. The safety release on the harness, has…

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