Author: 1driver

  • Basic delivery details and why they count every time

    Basic delivery details and why  they count every time

    Basic delivery details and why they count every time Standing on a stranger’s porch is not the best time to feel conspicuous. In fact, it’s important to have a purpose when standing on a stranger’s porch. Especially considering all the cameras in use these days. The courier understands the feel of all those cameras keeping…

  • Tales of the Courier – Calm before the Storm

    Tales of the Courier – Calm before the Storm

    Tales of the Courier – Calm before the Storm 1courier awakens with a stinging face and no idea where he is, or how he came to be here. Wherever here is. He looks around and notices the air bag has deployed again, stinging face understood now. He shakes his head, trying to clear his vision.…

  • Delivery by the numbers and the best quick patterns

    Delivery by the numbers and the best quick patterns

    Delivery by the numbers and the best quick patterns Delivery by the numbers is an interesting part of being a courier. Almost every part of the job is about those numbers. Arrival times, pickup times and drop-off times are all about numbered deadlines. Highway signs, speed limit signs and even gas station signs are all…

  • The best delivery near me and quickly

    The best delivery near me and quickly

    The best delivery near me and quickly Convenience is a bonus in almost any situation. Not only does it save time but also the long way around. In fact, convenience can also help accomplish goals. This is one of the advantages of delivery on demand. Once upon a time it wasn’t possible to get an…

  • Delivery fees and special requests the heart of a delivery

    Delivery fees and special requests the heart of a delivery

    Delivery fees and special requests the heart of a delivery The heart of a delivery is important. In fact, the delivery that has no heart, is just a delivery with delivery fees. Similarly, delivery fees, are at the heart of every delivery. As are special requests. In fact, three out of three deliveries, have delivery…

  • Road safety and choosing the better route

    Road safety and choosing the better route

    Road safety and choosing the better route Road safety is a top concern for every courier. Couriers benefit by practicing safe driving. Not only are the roads safer, but also the courier develops skills. These are skills that are usable again and again. They will also help the courier to successfully complete deliveries. Furthermore, with…

  • Tales of the Courier – Useful but squashed anyway

    Tales of the Courier – Useful but squashed anyway

    Tales of the Courier – Useful but squashed anyway 1courier watches the ride crumple and then flatten. It is fortunate he arrived when he did. Otherwise that could’ve been him. From inside the factory, he watches as the flattened ride is pressed flat to the ground. As he watches, he wonders what the hell happened.…

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