Author: 1driver

  • The best foot forward approach

    The best foot forward approach Having a professional work ethic is a bonus for the courier. It is also a benefit to the customer. A professional work ethic means the courier’s work will also be professional. Attention to detail is the mark of a good courier. Furthermore, it assists in completions. Each delivery has its…

  • The best 20 dollar an hour solo courier for sale

    The best 20 dollar an hour solo courier for sale Every courier and delivery driver has an interest in moving quickly. Because it saves time and maximizes earnings. Also it’s possible for the courier to actively influence earnings. In fact, a more appropriate description of courier pay would be a sliding scale. Not only can…

  • Double down after good returns

    Double down after a good returns Double down is a good way to double up. In delivery driving it’s a positive way to increase earnings. Any system that helps increase earnings is a good system. Including the hustle system. With this in mind, it is important to remember that not every delivery is a bust.…

  • The best special niche courier

    The best special niche courier The special niche courier is a rare one. Each courier has a preferred type of delivery. Also each courier has a preferred area and zone. Then there are couriers that prefer a certain niche delivery. With this in mind it’s easy to understand why a niche can be preferred. Having…

  • Diligence in deliveries is better for the courier!

    Diligence in deliveries is better for the courier! After a long day of deliveries, the courier is set for an evening of the same. With each new delivery, comes a new set of details. And the road. If it feels like the same old routine, congrats, something must be going right. However, this is no…

  • Tales of the Courier – Lost and Found

    Tales of the Courier – Lost and Found The vehicle waits silently. 1courier stands by the side of the road and waits silently as well. Out of the two of them, only one has a reason to wait. 1courier gets a move on, and walks to the waiting ride. Time to make a delivery. Not…

  • Cargo calamities happen; how to recover when they do

    Cargo calamities happen; how to recover when they do Welcome back to the Virtual Dispatch. Most every article on this site is about a delivery. It is a courier benefit when deliveries go well. Furthermore, a successful delivery is the setup for the next. With this in mind, every courier strives to complete deliveries. In…

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