Author: 1driver

  • Easy game day strategies for the best delivery completions

    Easy game day strategies for the best delivery completions

    Easy game day strategies for the best delivery completions The holiday season was intense and exciting this year. The delivery scene was equally exciting. Couriers working the holiday season from start to finish, had a front row seat for an increase in deliveries, and earnings. Particularly on the weekends. Now the holiday season is in…

  • The snow fall drop-off – Tales of the Courier

    The snow fall drop-off – Tales of the Courier

    The snow fall drop-off – Tales of the Courier It’s always welcome but never on time. 1courier shifts lanes and pushes the ride even faster. This was going to be a close one. The ride picks up speed, and races toward the horizon with reckless abandon. 1courier can’t help but grin. He was blaming his…

  • Building delivery experience for the new courier

    Building delivery experience for the new courier

    Building delivery experience for the new courier It’s an age old conundrum. The job is available, but only to the experienced courier. Likewise the inexperienced driver wants to get experience running deliveries. However, only experienced drivers are considered. With this in mind, gaining delivery experience, can feel like a catch twenty two. Or an unsolvable…

  • Extreme weather conditions and the new courier

    Extreme weather conditions and the new courier

    Extreme weather conditions and the new courier There are many extremes that a courier encounters, on a regular basis. Things that go along with the job. For example, gas prices. Or bad traffic. In fact, there are times when the extremes, is the frequency of dealing with the extremes. It’s because they happen on the…

  • The early bird and the New Year worm

    The early bird and the New Year worm

    The early bird and the New Year worm It’s that time of year again. The holiday has arrived and there is a palpable sense of excitement in the air. Happy New Year’s eve! The stage is set for a busier than average holiday delivery scene. Furthermore, the early bird will have a positive advantage this…

  • New courier safety with a look at the basics

    New courier safety with a look at the basics

    New courier safety with a look at the basics It has been quite a busy holiday season. From pet supplies to groceries, the courier has been moving cargo almost nonstop. If a courier reading this has just completed their first holiday season, kudos. Every courier should get a level up just for dealing with all…

  • New delivery techniques and the time bump

    New delivery techniques and the time bump

    New delivery techniques and the time bump The holiday season is always a positive factor in delivery work. It is the bread and butter of delivery, for a courier. The intensity and demand of the holidays can stretch resources pretty thin. Furthermore, time is always a factor. Either making more time, beating the time, or…

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