Author: 1driver

  • Tales of the Courier – Frog heart fairytale

    Tales of the Courier – Frog heart fairytale

    Tales of the Courier – Frog heart fairytale The road, is a smooth stretch of highway. The heat of the day is easing, as the sun sinks below the horizon. The wind is lapping at the window. The cool air is a welcome change. And 1courier pushes the ride for all it’s worth. The machine…

  • A better strategy for the cash delivery

    A better strategy for the cash delivery The cash delivery is the wildcard. It seems strange that the cash delivery should be so strange. Once upon a time the cash delivery was the norm. Not only was it the norm but also it was about the only way to pay. There was the check but…

  • The cash on hand delivery and old school money

    The cash on hand delivery and old school money

    The cash on hand delivery and old school money This article might be dated. It has references to the older days of delivery. Especially those before a pandemic. The article doesn’t cover the first recorded delivery. Likewise, it isn’t about the first delivery guarantee. Thirty minutes or less these days, will cost ya’, as they…

  • Tales of the Courier – The first to fall delivery

    Tales of the Courier – The first to fall delivery

    Tales of the Courier – The first to fall delivery The road goes on forever. At least 1courier hopes it does. This could be a good day to find out. All he has to do is ignore the turn. He pushes the accelerator pedal to the floor. And the ride blazes down the highway. The…

  • Courier services, the best delivery apps for improved offers

    Courier services, the best delivery apps for improved offers

    Courier services, the best delivery apps for improved offers The first thing a courier notices about a delivery offer is where. The second thing, is how much. The crew courier, driving for a merchant, has interest in the where. The courier using a delivery app, has an eye for both. The crew courier may not…

  • Queue bluffs and the best way to avoid them

    Queue bluffs and the best way to avoid them

    Queue bluffs and the best way to avoid them There is a difference between the couriers driving for merchants, and couriers driving solo. This difference can be profound and not just in tax season. A courier driving with a crew, for a merchant, has more than a few perks. One of those perks is the…

  • Tales of the Courier – Daring delivery wanted

    Tales of the Courier – Daring delivery wanted

    Tales of the Courier – Daring delivery wanted It’s not the how, but the when, that counts. No drop-off ever worried about how it got there. Only when. The how was up to the courier. Every time. 1courier downshifts, and pulls the wheel. The ride responds immediately. They are out of the lane, and around…

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