Author: 1driver

  • Holiday delivery and a new season bonus

    Holiday delivery and a new season bonus

    Holiday delivery and a new season bonus It’s that time of year again! Time to say goodbye to one season, and usher in a new one. And even though it is still hotter than damnit in some places, things are changing fast. The summer season is nearing its end, and the holiday season is about…

  • Autumn woods trail of love – The frog and the Princess

    Autumn woods trail of love – The frog and the Princess

    Autumn woods trail of love – The frog and the Princess Out in the country , in a land that seems to glow, strange things are happening, wouldn’t you know. This country is in a kingdom, filled with love’s pure light. And it’s in a darkened place of the woods, that we find ourselves tonight.…

  • Road signs and delivery – A match made in the queue

    Road signs and delivery – A match made in the queue

    Road signs and delivery – A match made in the queue The delivery queue is quite an invention. It holds deliveries in limbo, until a dedicated courier can be found. Then in a flash, the delivery details are presented. The courier has a few seconds to think over the details, and decide. The courier must…

  • Double edge delivery a high mileage gamble

    Double edge delivery a high mileage gamble

    Double edge delivery a high mileage gamble Every courier prefers a quick delivery. One way to achieve this is by accepting short mileage, delivery offers only. However, this system is for the courier using a delivery app. The crew courier runs with a crew. Therefore the next up, is the next up. This is the…

  • Late night food delivery brings an unexpected surprise

    Late night food delivery brings an unexpected surprise

    Late night food delivery brings an unexpected surprise It is almost a shift unto itself. In fact, the late night delivery is becoming more and more common. It is sometimes referred to as the late night rush. Or the after hours delivery. The popularity of the after hours delivery is not surprising. Furthermore, its popularity…

  • The one way delivery offer

    The one way delivery offer

    The one way delivery offer The first thing a courier looks for in a fair delivery offer, is the payout amount. The second thing a courier searches out is the estimated mileage. These two bits of info help the courier determine if it is a viable offer. This is an example of the solo courier…

  • A time change delivery opens the better rush window

    A time change delivery opens the better rush window

    A time change delivery opens the better rush window It’s right around the corner! In fact, it’s just down the road. A new season is fast approaching. With the new season comes a few seasonal changes. Not only is the weather a consideration, in the change of the season, but also the time of day…

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