Author: Donald Grant

  • Delivery details and the best reasons to double check

    Delivery details and the best reasons to double check

    Delivery details and the best reasons to double check Delivery details. They can be just about anything. From specific drop-off details, to order details. They are there for a reason, and do matter. Especially the ones that deal with extra sauce packets, or condiments, or napkins and plastic cutlery etc. Furthermore, item requests are best…

  • Trick or treat times and better safety on the road

    Trick or treat times and better safety on the road

    Trick or treat times and better safety on the road Happy Halloween! At long last it has arrived! One of the most exciting days of the year. It’s an official, unofficially official holiday. Furthermore, it can be an extremely busy holiday in more ways than one. For couriers and delivery drivers, it’s one of the…

  • A confidential look at the professional crew courier

    A confidential look at the professional crew courier

    A confidential look at the professional crew courier Many articles on the Virtual Dispatch take into account the solo courier experience. Furthermore, the solo courier, is a courier that makes delivery completions using an app. Or a combination of apps. The solo courier doesn’t have a home base to check in with. The app is…

  • The timed delivery, how to best the hustle

    The timed delivery, how to best the hustle

    The timed delivery, how to best the hustle Deliveries are the best part of being a courier. The delivery process is simple and easy to learn for anyone with a solid work ethic. It is the work ethic, that brings about the consistency needed, to make money doing the work. In other words, it takes…

  • The first easy go delivery – Tales of the Courier

    The first easy go delivery – Tales of the Courier

    The first easy go delivery – Tales of the Courier A road day is a good day. 1courier grins as the ride careens down the highway. This road is an anomaly. It has no beginning. And, so far, no end. 1courier thinks this is how every road should be. The delivery is slotted for a…

  • Holiday delivery and accuracy for better results

    Holiday delivery and accuracy for better results Couriers who complete deliveries on holidays, experience another facet of the delivery game. In fact, holiday deliveries do have unique aspects. Particularly when compared to typical delivery days. With this in mind, it is important for the courier to remember the basics. Especially during a holiday delivery shift.…

  • Delivery overview and the easy way to remember details

    Delivery overview and the easy way to remember details

    Delivery overview and the easy way to remember details A delivery can be short, or long. It can also be time consuming, or quick. Furthermore, even though the delivery process is repetitive, the details are different. On each delivery. This is especially true, concerning different types of cargo. And as every courier knows, with cargo,…

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