Author: Donald Grant

  • High mileage delivery and the guaranteed tip

    High mileage delivery and the guaranteed tip

    High mileage delivery and the guaranteed tip It is a given that a courier will drive many miles. Time behind the wheel is the greater part of delivery. The miles unfold and the time passes. Sometimes feeling lost in the forward motion is easy. This is one side effect of a high mileage delivery. If…

  • The best stack basics for a chance at better earnings

    The best stack basics for a chance at better earnings

    The best stack basics for a chance at better earnings A chance at better earnings. This is one benefit that is always welcome for the courier. It can be said couriers are in a unique position. As a courier, it is possible to increase efforts. And then see a positive impact on overall pay. This…

  • Road conditions and their impact on timely delivery

    Road conditions and their impact on timely delivery

    Road conditions and their impact on timely delivery Every delivery is different. Even when they are the same, they are different. With each new drop-off location comes a new set of challenges. From drinks to detours, there is always something to keep track of, for the courier. Delivery details, and directions, are just the start.…

  • Route selection for improved ratings and safer drop-offs

    Route selection for improved ratings and safer drop-offs

    Route selection for improved ratings and safer drop-offs Couriers are familiar with the roads they travel. Especially the ones traveled everyday. With this in mind, it doesn’t take long to get the pulse of an area. In fact, a crew courier with a set delivery zone, knows that zone. Every street is part of a…

  • The scavenger hunt delivery and the best pickup line

    The scavenger hunt delivery and the best pickup line

    The scavenger hunt delivery and the best pickup line There are many types of deliveries. Many of those have been detailed, on this site, in one way or another. Every courier has a name for a particular delivery. Some of those names are notorious because of what they represent. Perhaps there was an extreme delay.…

  • The unique style of the solo courier

    The unique style of the solo courier

    The unique style of the solo courier Couriers are usually moving quickly. Sometimes it’s a force of habit. Other times it’s a necessity. Between on time pickups and delayed drop-offs the solo courier is an exercise in motion. In fact, the successful courier strives for no wasted motion, when possible. This one attribute keeps the…

  • The best customer service is still the human

    The best customer service is still the human

    The best customer service is still the human The road is a long and winding adventure. It is also a means for making a paycheck. For some, this means extreme amounts of road time. Couriers and delivery drivers spend large amounts of time between the ditches. From drop-off to pickup, and then from drop-off to…

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