Arrival time rating and how to improve it
Arrival times matter. The courier is timed throughout every delivery. From the moment the offer is accepted. To the moment it is cleared. There is a timer for every part of the delivery.
One of the first things a new courier will notice is the arrival time statistic. Furthermore, it will show up in the main parts of an app. For example, the order menu. There may also be an estimated arrival time the drop-off location is privy to.
All of this goes to the notion that the courier is being timed. Throughout a delivery. Not only is there the arrival time at the merchant, but also the drop-off location. Therefore, it isn’t a surprise to know the arrival times are also a part of an overall rating.
Arrival time rating
New couriers may appreciate the concept of timely arrivals, but the practice of the same, isn’t the same. The courier does best when arriving at or before, the predicted arrival time. It is an easily overlooked practice. Interacting with the app, as soon as possible, is also one of the ways arrival time ratings can be improved.
This is as simple as marking the courier’s arrival, at the pickup merchant, as soon as the courier arrives. Furthermore, the prompt to mark the courier’s arrival, toggles the next timer. One of the top ways a courier’s arrival time ratings can slip, is from forgotten interactions.
Forgetting to mark the courier’s arrival to the pickup merchant is damaging. Three minutes is enough to diminish the rating, on that one delivery alone. One minute, is the difference between on-time and late. Every time.
How to improve it
With this in mind, keeping close tabs on the progress in the delivery app, is a best practice. Similarly, marking arrival times as quickly as possible, saves valuable seconds, and minutes.
In the same way, clearing the delivery upon completion is best. Each second gained is cumulative. Seconds turn into minutes. Minutes are the difference between a good rating and a poor rating. Looking for ways to shorten routes, is also a bonus. It saves time.
This is especially true on stacks. Additionally, the time saved is important. It goes to the completion. The timing of the completion, is also important. It is also the quoted time for the drop-off. Keeping the times on schedule, is a best practice. Maintaining a good arrival time rating is not only possible, but also worth it. Stay safe out there.
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Arrival time rating
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