An improved delivery offer and why it counts
Deliveries are a straight forward process. There is the pick up, the delivery, and the drop-off. Additionally, the delivery has a time limit. And each step has a completion point. This scenario is for the solo courier and an app. The crew courier has all the same elements, just less buttons to push along the way.
With this in mind, it is worth examining the crew courier process for deliveries. There is a system and a process. Additionally, it carries from one location to another. A standard. It is the process by which a merchant determines the fair disbursement of available deliveries.
It begins with the scheduling of the drivers. Merchants are only able to estimate a delivery rush. Or volume of business. The data from the previous year’s records and stats, is the benchmark. The record. However, it is sometimes based on hunches about holidays. Consequently the merchant will try to cover all bases.
An improved delivery
Furthermore, more drivers available means keeping up with delivery demand. It may start out slow. However, a rush is always unpredictable. It is normal to start a shift with many drivers. Then, have them all on the road at the same time. For the duration of a shift. Therefore, a delivery rush is always unpredictable.
Additionally, many merchants associate with a brand. This is a dedicated type of cargo. For example, pizza. Similarly, pizza delivery merchants, have ways of doing things that are brand specific. However, some things carry over. Regardless of brand. Or courier status.
For example, transporting pizza crust side down cheese side up, for best results. And the process for expediting deliveries in a crew environment. Furthermore, it’s based on taking turns. When the next delivery in the queue is ready, the next courier gets ready. Then the courier dispatches on the delivery. After this, the next courier in line becomes eligible for the next delivery.
This process is the basic process. A delivery app runs a similar version of this scenario. However, matching the courier to the specific offer, is based on more than who’s up next. Which will be the focus of upcoming articles. Stay safe out there.
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An improved delivery offer and why it counts
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