A quick spin on the delivery crew.
Solo couriers spend large amounts of time on the road. It is a part of the job. This is also true for the crew courier. The crew courier will have certain advantages compared to the solo courier.
Almost immediately, hourly pay comes to mind. Furthermore, adding that to the potential earnings from completed deliveries, creates the potential for good pay. Not only does the courier make daily take home earnings but also a weekly or bi-weekly pay check.
With this in mind it is also an excellent place to experience the rush. A delivery rush for a popular merchant can be extreme for the courier. It’s really extreme. Furthermore, the level of extreme delivery completion, is consistent.
Quick Spin
Indeed, during the onslaught of a real delivery rush, things move fast. Depending on the merchant, the delivery queue can be at full capacity for hours. Easily. (Popular pizza chains especially) This is a benefit to the courier. A positive.
Not only will the courier have plenty of stack opportunities, but also the stacks can be back to back. Throughout the rush. This benefits the courier. There are less miles placed on the ride. One trip out, several deliveries competed.
Furthermore, there are other couriers working to clear the same dispatch board. With a full queue the work can carry on late into the night. This type of rush will benefit the courier. In more ways than one. Moreover, it improves over time.
To be clear, a static delivery zone improves with repetitive deliveries, to the same locations. For example, large apartment complexes. Through repetitive visits, the courier is able to learn the complex. This improves delivery times. Memorizing helps to improve times, and can lead to improved earnings.
Delivery Crew
The courier is able to memorize the delivery zone. Therefore, it’s possible to get better results. However, there is still the matter of the crew. While the courier is in full rush mode, so is the crew. All moving fast. The goal is always to clear the queue.
There can be a lot of intensity in a delivery rush. Furthermore the courier must remain focused. In this way, maximum attention can be given to each delivery. This will help the courier most, when taking a quick spin on the delivery crew. Stay safe out there.
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